Dr Nick why are you so scared to run in temp control?

I'm sorry it appears you have fell victim to OF's scare campaign about going over 12w. The istick 40w TC is intended to operate in TC mode with the DT donut....this is lifted directly from ineedhemp.com
Don't listen to OF, it's perfectly fine to run in TC @ 40w with the istick. Is it subpar?
Yes. Is it an obsolete design?
Is it vastly better than vaping at VW?
I sold all my isticks long ago, but if that was the only mod I had available to me, I would certainly use it on TC-Ni mode, not any fixed wattage.
I have 3 friends who are running isticks on TC-Ni, and they have been using the same donut for over a year and it works just fine still! They horribly abuse their atomizers; grossly overfill, never clean, hit it while holding sideways, they back-blow into the atomizer (like a joint) making vape come out the side air holes
no busted donuts! One old friend of mine even dropped his istick + DT 2.5 in his hot tub (lucky no one got shocked) and then later took it out of the water, let it fully dry out, recharge, and it still worked! ON TC MODE!!!!
Has any single person in the history of isticks and divine tribe donuts EVER broken a donut while running on TC? Probably? Should that deter you from using a $15 dollar atomizer in the way it is intended and performs optimally for fear of breaking it?

Maybe so....
I did but you know how on the eleaf there is the center pin for the battery and then some space that goes down? I can't get in there with a qtip.
Ya, I like to use these G-tips for all the hard to reach places like the one you describe:
I'm sorry, but I don't see anything that a regular
1 cent q-tip / cotton swab with the cotton ball pulled out a little and puffed and rolled into a little pin
can't do, that those fancy 10 cent / each q-tips can.
That is how i reach the floor of the ceramic cup underneath the hole in the donut when cleaning.
You can get these at your local store. You can shape the cotton with your fingers.
Looking to purchase a Cuboid so I don't run out of power. Is there another mod I should check out before I order? Where's the best place to purchase Joytech?
Not sure if you have a reason to go for something other than the eleaf tc40... there are probably better/fancier mods out there but for $50 for that battery and a DT 2.7 bundle it's really hard to beat.
Were you looking at the cuboid to replace the battery in it? The tc40w gets killer battery life (several days including cleaning burnoffs for me) but i hear you if you want/ need more battery power or the replacable cells. I was going to avoid the tc40w for that reason but decided to get it being the recommended battery unit by DT. have'nt been let down.
Don't listen to nick, the cuboid is a fine choice, far superior to the istick 40w. If someone wants an obscene amount of battery charge, or maybe also vapes with a sub-ohm tank for juice and switches back and forth with the ceramic donut, the cuboid is a great choice for that. (better than istick 100w TC IMO)
Don't overlook the cuboid mini, if massive battery life and removeable cells is not that important to you.
And I'm sorry to say, it would be an overstatement to say Matt "recommends" the istick 40w. He prefers to sell it to novice customers because it is the most reliable and moron-proof TC mod on the market still, arguably. It needs the least setup out of the box, (you can set it on TC properly with 2 buttons presses out of the box) and you can't put the battery in backwards, because it is non-removable and internal. This allows him to sell these with the least of hassles and least warranty replacements.
But it is a brutal, mediocre, dated design that does not properly represent the best temp control has to offer. Matt has solicited the opinion of customers on this forum for a better "idiot-proof" TC mod to replace the istick 40w, but there isn't one out yet.
The best ones still require us to click buttons a few times to set them up....

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