With dozens if not hundreds of compounds in most plant oils, distilling at different temperatures is what's used industrially to separate these compounds for perfumery, medicinals, etc.
And that's why a low temp cannabis oil vape is alerting and a high temp vape is sedating. Different cannabinoids. People are saving the high temp vape for bedtime.
People been doing that with flower vaporizers, a Solo 3 setting vape is different from a 5.
Hey fern, I've noticed how you've been promoting the capabilities of DT to work as a fractional distillation vape, and I find the idea quite interesting. This seems far different from how I use my DTs and my goals in using them. But you haven't been very detailed.
Why don't you tell us all your settings for this style of vaping? watts, temp, TCR, observed rise in atomizer Ω, your method of hitting the mouthpiece, what kind of concentrate...whatever you think is relevant.
Also, what specific compounds are you trying to extract for your "alert" vape and which different ones for the "Sedate" and which overlap? Are you trying to vape off some of the compounds at one time and then, in a later session, the rest of the other compounds from the
same load?
I'm guessing you're aiming for most/all the terps and a
little bit of the thc for the "alert" and then the remaining terps and thc, plus the (minimal) CBD, CBN, and other minor cannabinoids for the "sedate" vape.
If you're doing that, or something close, I can see how those 2 different mixes of contents in your vape can have very different effects on you.
FWIW, I try to acheive the same goals, but through vaping different types of strains at different times of the day instead. Right now, a
black domina shatter has been making me feel nice and sleepy when I want to feel that way before bedtime. On the extreme opposite of the spectrum, I have been reaching for some very nice
lamb's bread and
blue dream shatters during the first half of the day, when I want to feel a little more up, manic, or motivated, but still stoney

There are gaps in my strategy, however:
hybrid strains
Cannabis is much more than a binary
indica / sativa dichotomy.
(Ruderalis?) Middle-of-the-road hybrid strains like gorilla glue #4 (a new fave for me) headband, even certain phenotypes of GSC tend to make me neither manic nor sedate, but somewhere in between, or something different altogether. Maybe "relaxed" or "contemplative" could describe some of these hybrid-ish strains?
I let myself vape these hybrids at any time of the day, usually more towards the middle, and I feel that they rarely prevent me from doing what I intend to do in the next few hours after vaping them, but they tend to enhance it instead.
That's also why I tend to use the same kind of TC settings for all my DT dabs. I would describe the goals of my TC setting as:
full-spectrum, fast-draw, medical grade dabs
Full spectrum in the sense that I want the complete range of compounds in my concentrate in the first hit after a reload. I'm not trying to vape some for now and save others for later
Fast draw, as in 25w. I want to see my glass globe fill up with thick vape momentarily after pressing the button, not in 4-5 seconds, and I don't want to try to manage the timing in avoiding sucking up or splattering semi-molten oil prematurely when it's hovering in the 180-250F range. Even expert use of DT donuts will result in alot of splatter over time.
medical grade as in, purity of the compounds in my vape. Me no want no monoxide, tar, or formaldehyde.

This is not to imply that your guys' TC settings IS producing these nasty chemicals.
EVERYONE's DT donuts that are vaping clean concentrates within reasonable TC settings are producing pure, tasty, medical-grade vape!
All those other poor suckers still vaping on unregulated devices and VW are the ones decomposing their oil....
enjoy your CBN, fellas.
Why would it drop out of TC?
If the atomizer resistance exceeds the mod's max ohm capability. For the updated evic and cuboid that's 1.5 ohms, for the istick TC40 I believe that's still 1.0 ohms.
Why would it exceed 1.0 ohms?
Because as they age the DT atomizers increase in resistance. They start out around 0.8 ohms.
I could be wrong here, but I don't think the 1.0 / 1.5 ohm limit is such a firm limitation as we may believe.
My reason? Consider the Evic VT (the old one, not VTC) that would tend to randomly slip out of TC mode even if the user seems to be doing everything right. It has a 1.0 Ω TC limit.
Now consider the range of base resistance on our cold donuts and the "delta rise" we expect them to be at when fully heated up. I'm seeing a ~ 0.70Ω has to rise 0.30-0.32 higher to make vape that I like, while a 0.83Ω base has to rise up more, about 0.34-0.38 higher over cold to produce my vape.
Donuts on the higher end of the normal range need to rise well over 1.1Ω , while a low-resistance donut is tickling 1.0Ω or higher if the user likes hotter vape.
If the 1.0Ω TC limit on the Evic VT is absolute, then a 0.80 donut should almost never vape reliably on TC mode, at least not at the temp range of 300-330 in TC-Ni that most people use it at.
I think the 1.0Ω TC "limit" on mods like the Evic VT and istick 40w TC is more of a "base resistance" cold limit on the atomizer. I've found that all atty's in the normal Ω range could drop out of TC mode equally randomly on the Evic VT. But my friend that I sold the VT to tried to vape a normal donut that had risen from around 0.80 to 0.94 somehow, on TC-Ni mode, and this atty would always drop to VW mode right away. I didn't test this 0.94Ω base on an istick, but I did plug it into my pico, (1.5Ω TC limit) it still read 0.94, tried vaping a full load on TCR 245 @ 20w,
200F (lowest possible temp) and it made a heee-oooge thick grey disgusting combustion cloud in an instant. It stayed firmly in TC mode, and apparently could not properly modulate the initial wattage in a downward direction on this warped Ω base. Dialing in a higher temp clearly didn't help the vape quality, but my friends like to
smoke anyways, and he said he liked this false-TC cloud.
This has led me to believe that donut's Ω doesn't
really change, not that much at least, and not that quickly. The
true Ω is fairly static. But the many ways that users can accidentally loosen the contacts of the donut's wire leads can trick and mislead our mods to think they're seeing a different Ω, usually higher.

This false reading usually results in the mod miscalculating a much too hot vape, or maybe off just a little bit, if the bad Ωreading is not that far off.
This also made me skeptical of vaping on any donut that is reporting a suspiciously high Ω, like over 0.82-0.83 or so. If the mod has the true, accurate Ω of the base "locked in" then these false readings don't seem to cause much any problem, besides a little extra wattage & vape fluctuation, but not any
burning at least.
I swapped out my friend's 0.94Ω for one that was 0.74Ω-ish, and he said it's staying in TC mode for him 90% of the time again, and he knows the easy procedure to set it back to TC and actually continue vaping on this mode
(until it inevitably trips back at some point in the future) rather than trip back to VW. One other friend of mine I sold a VT to, tells me his DT donut almost never trips into VW, and I taught him how to set it straight if it does

My 3rd and final friend who bought my old Evic VT tells me can never get his donuts to stay on TC mode anymore, but I suspect his uses his mod and atty in a generally
slovenly fashion
As for the istick 40w TC, it also has a 1.0Ω TC limit, but I've never heard of slipping out of TC-Ni mode into VW as even being a thing, at least not with any DT 2.5 donut (it can't TC the DC) I've had 3 isticks that I later sold to friends, and 3 additional friends using istick 40w + DT donuts, and they've never told me about going to VW mode or not being able to vape on TC mode. Even the slovenly ones!
I have heard
endless queries about "what does new coil? yes/no +/- mean?"
"what did i do? i just wanna press the button and vape!

I have seen one friend's istick just stop working completely after a couple of drops (and it took it's donut down with it

) and another istick
survive a drop in a hot tub!

But not TC mode dropping being a problem. I'm not saying this is not happening to
anybody, but I don't think it's a major issue on this mod? As for the Evic VT, I suspect it is a
software bug with this 1st gen TC device that causes it to drop to VW mode.
However, I bet if I tried to plug that suspect 0.94Ω donut onto any istick 40w and vape it on TC-Ni, I bet it would instantly drop to VW.....
"soft" TC Ω limit
sorry guize

another unprovoked TC rant. Just wanted to share my thoughts/experiences about not being able to vape on TC mode on the old Evic VT and istick 40w TC. I don't know if this has been an issue with other 1.0Ω limit TC mods.
Note: the Evic VT and Evic VTC are 2 different mods: VT was joyetech's first ever TC mod at 1.0Ω TC limit