Vape Donkey 650
All vape, no smoke please.
If this "Un Spent Material" was like the ash in the bowl, I wouldn't be posting right now. I would hit it until it didn't give me any smoke at all. I keep thinking this is how the DTv3 is supposed to work. I keep thinking i'm supposed to paint that donut once (Load that bowl) and hit it tie it hits no more (smoke it til its nothing but ashes). I am having to take many (5-7) crappy hits after the 3rd load basically just to feel as if i'm not wasting medicine. This is where we pick back up from earlier. Hear me out, if 3 loads, got me 3 good hits, 3 semi decent hits, but then took 5-7 more hits before I could clean it all up and not be wasting anything, I'm taking a more crapy nasty hits than I was with a bowl.
Back in the day, I had a lot of weed. Now I live in a not so happy state, and work hard for my money. I wouldn't be dumping out the last hit in the bowl right now, unless it was for heath concerns. Lol, health concerns were not on the list back in the day.
Last, but not least, some really crazy questions. Does it matter if I take the same size load it one 15 second hit, or 1 - 10 second and 1 - 5 second hit? I like to end session with a taste fresh hit and leave the crappy hits for the beginning of the next. Something is telling me there is more to this temperature thing than just cooking oil. Could I be getting too much "Un Spent Material" because i'm running too cold? I noticed in Matts cleaning video, his donut had a bunch of crusties burnt on to his donut. I only had that one time when I had first load on 10 mm with tcr190 @ 350 degrees. I got good hit, but it tasted burnt. I instantly cleaned it off using matts cleaning to start all over. I otherwise, never get burnt on crusties.
Thanks guys, Cody
PS: i put all that saved oily reclaim from few weeks ago into something i saved from the refillable CO2 oil.
Cody, some good points still. Let me help you look at it from another perspective: do you know exactly what's in the oil you're loading on your V3? Like, potency % in THC and related cannabinoids, and maybe even terpene levels? Is your oil made from whole nugs, or from trim leaves? Because unless you have distillate, it's most likely much lower than 99%. Those 2 things I mentioned, most people would consider to be the only "desireable" parts of your concentrates to inhale or consume.
The rest is just generic plant gunk; fatty oils, chlorophyll, CBN broken down from THC, and lots more stuff I can't list. Most of this stuff is only going to make a cloud if heated to temperatures well above what is required to vape the THC or terpenes, and might even burn the good parts if you raised it that high.
Typical shatters and sugar waxes range from around 60-80% THC, a pittance of other minor cannabinoids, and maybe a few ~ % more in terpenes. So that means at least 10, maybe up to 30% or more of your concentrate is just generic crap that doesn't get you distinctly higher any different from generic toxic chemicals being burned.

Pens are just wasteful compared to proper dab rigs (which can even be wasteful themselves if you've ever seen a caked up rig with 1/4 oz of wax trapped in the downstem and perc lol.)
That said, they are still unbeatable for discretion, and the V3 is at the top of the pack for sure. Keep messing with temperature until you find the perfect balance of vaporizing more of the load without baking on crusty carbon deposits.
The upcoming DT atomizer will surely be more efficient as it will include a sealed heated cup, so there is nowhere for the concentrate to run from. This should provide bigger and more thorough hits with less waste!
Wasteful...depends on how you want to define effective use. If you're ok with that crusty pool burning up on you as you cap it an inhale it, and you consider the smoking part of traditional dabbing as well as the true vaporization part as part of effective use, then yes, the "proper dab rig" will be more effective. You can also run your donut at 600F and be left with very little reclaim and more thin hard crusts, but that's not advisable.
As for the reclaim that cakes up and accumulates inside the dab rigs themselves, that has more to do with the habits of the owners.

I think you worded just what I am starting to figure out... high temp, but not high enough I’m cooking it onto the donut.
I have often though, does the material fall off donut very easy? I don’t feel as if I paint on too much when loading. I keep thinking if I do this right, I don’t even need the cup. Right?
Yes, even before I spouted off these reclaim and temp-centered essays, it looks like you're picking it up. Hopefully you can fine tune it to your satisfaction and you feel like you get the most out of your oils. But even with immaculate donut loading and use, you still need the cup underneath.

I just ordered some v3 13mm coils and was hoping Matt would throw in a pre release early hook up, but I guess I’ll just have to wait in line. I am very excited.
This gives me time to learn all this on what I got. No need to throw something different in the mix right now.
I just wish this glass thing wasn’t so expensive. Is there anyone in Kansas City Missouri who can let me sample their glass on the dtv3? Lol, that would be the best.
Thanks for the help everyone, Cody
Ha, good luck with that bonus crucible gift.

I'm far from KC, MO, so I can't share my dab rig with you, but I would recommend you try some glass to enhance your vape game! You may not be in Oakland, Humbolt, or amsterdam, but you're learning to better use your V3, and can rep some cutting-edge vape gear in the heartland, and you don't need to spend hella money to do it!
The rig that Matt sells seems like a winner at a decent price. If you want something that's even more compact, there's nothing better than the PPWT. You can also get these for under a dub, and they offer good airflow and decent bubbleage. All other small bubblers I've seen can't compare. The PPWT won't reach the levels of a large hydratube, but it still works fine, and I'd prefer that over a dry hit any day.
If you already have a regular dab rig that you want to use with the v3, or prefer that style of glass over a hydratube, you can look at many of my old posts to see how to make a simple glass / silicon elbow adapter to hook up your V3 to your rig using Matt's small glass adapter too.
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