0% (PI always active) P=900 I=20put arctic fox on one of my mods last night. Pretty cool software package! Gonna do some dry runs tonight. What PI settings are you guys using for the large donuts?
I have used the V2 concentrate atomizer for a while, and recently got a v3 + hydro-tube. I guess I have a different opinion than everyone else here - but the v2 is better for me. I
Yep, Steven is the sales man.
I'm not 100% sure Steven and Matt aren't the same guy, really. I mean anyone ever see both of them in the same room at the same time?
does anyone have settings for a 2.0?
Also, I know it is rebuildable, I can't find any tutorials on rebuilding the atomizer.
I need help. Many of my customers with alien mods are having trouble with Settings. I need a expert who can tell me what the perfect settings are for the V3 and for the GEN 2 DC. The problem with these mods is I hear that they try to adjust to the ohms changing instead of locking down to one resistance number.
if anyone has some insight let me know
0% (PI always active) P=900 I=20
Note that using 0% will override any preheat settings, if you want preheat settings observed then use a higher percent value so the PI regulator kicks in later. The value is percent of desired temperature (or resistance rise).
You might also find this link of interest: https://nfeteam.org/forum/threads/pi-regulation-notes-from-the-queue.220/
Not without defining a preheat curve or percentage. The mod will just output max watts which is what the PI regulation does anyway when cold. The only reason to use a value > 0 is if you want more than max power for some time. Personally I don't find a need for additional preheat settings with the DTv3 donuts and I leave PI kick in at 0%. I do, however, set max power set to 24w on 10mm and 35w on 13mm donuts which does act as 'variable duration preheat' because it only takes 12-14w to maintain temp of 10mm donuts and 15-18w to maintain temp of a 13mm donut. You will see 2-4 seconds at max wattage before regulation starts cutting it back.Thanks! So presumably you could reach target temp more quickly by inputting a value like say 25%? Just now getting around to testing it out with some dry donuts, gonna have some high end concentrates later in the week, pretty stoked to use the new firmware.
@OF - I respect your knowledge and expertise in this area and if I'm reading your post correctly there's a warning in there so I'm interested in additional context. Are you saying that I'm running the risk of blowing a donut coil (in wich case I'm out a couple $$) or are you suggesting there is potential for something much more damaging (to the mod or worse to my person)? I'm willing to accept the risk of a broken donut - but not the later.FWIW my 'take' on PI modifications for our use is it's a bad idea. It makes sense for the e-cig guys with huge heaters and lots of 'juice' in intimate contact with them. Heat can be instantly transferred to the load so you can 'trick' the unit into 'coming on very strong' at the start of a hit.
We don't enjoy that instant advantage, there's a time constant built into the V3 due to the glazing and substrate (which have to be heated before any concentrate can). Yes, you can overdrive the heater a bit, but that's not going to defeat the delay in getting the heat to the load. And, taken to extremes (as folks often do.....) it can, I think, invite expansion related problems with the expanding heater trapped inside a cool (and therefore contracted) glass shell.
By all means experiment if you're inclined but I don't see any real advantage against the risks. Then again failure only means a new heater for the V3 since Matt made it rebuildable? Good for the 'huge cloud' e-cig guys though?
@OF - I respect your knowledge and expertise in this area and if I'm reading your post correctly there's a warning in there so I'm interested in additional context. Are you saying that I'm running the risk of blowing a donut coil (in wich case I'm out a couple $$) or are you suggesting there is potential for something much more damaging (to the mod or worse to my person)? I'm willing to accept the risk of a broken donut - but not the later.
I need help. Many of my customers with alien mods are having trouble with Settings. I need a expert who can tell me what the perfect settings are for the V3 and for the GEN 2 DC. The problem with these mods is I hear that they try to adjust to the ohms changing instead of locking down to one resistance number.
if anyone has some insight let me know
The mod should do just fine, it's the doughnut that takes a beating......IMO for nothing useful in return? We wait a few seconds for full vapor, is one second more or less a big change?
The most ideal (IMO) being a surface which is already at temperature before concentrate is applied, such as a quartz banger or e-nail. I find myself topping up quite a bit more often when using a concentrate pen versus low temp dabbing from a nail.
... Gonna replace it with a Primo Mini.
Thanks @OF - appreciate the response. I do maintain a stock of donuts (currently 4-5 of each size) and several DTv3s to rotate them throughThe mod should do just fine, it's the doughnut that takes a beating......IMO for nothing useful in return? We wait a few seconds for full vapor, is one second more or less a big change? You get more variation than that with load size, right? Having to heat a bunch of concentrate slows the action relative to when there is very little?
I suggest you have a spare in hand, human nature can lead you (or anyone else) to push it too far exploring? If you have a backup handy, that's probably insurance.....
Thanks @OF - appreciate the response. I do maintain a stock of donuts (currently 4-5 of each size) and several DTv3s to rotate them throughI've only blown one in the last 9 months and that was cleaning it on the mod (I now torch them).
I don't think that's a fair comparison. Two different techniques, in one MORE HEAT THAN NEEDED IS STORED BEFORE, the temperature comes down? Very different from heating up from room temperature.
Are you saying a minor change in heat up time really changes anything but the time scale? And again, you see a change in heat up time with load level, I think this is a bigger factor WRT time?
Guys should explore it if they want, and no doubt some already are/have. I wish them well, I just don't see a big advantage here. Nothing like TCR regulation, for instance.