Got my eVic VTwo (DT 2.7) setup according to the information in this thread and help from "OF" ,"Vape Donkey", "Baron" and some others. Thanks people. It works like a charm.
As to cleaning and the donut:
1/ can the atty be dunked in ISO for cleaning?
Hey, nice of you to join us here
As for dunking the atty in an iso bath, you can do that to clean it, but I don't
particularly recommend it.
My reasons: there are silicon gaskets and insulation inside the atty, and I recall in some other vapes' manuals (crafty?) mentioning that if you do immerse plastic parts in alcohol, only do it for a few minutes at a time. Bathing in iso for too long can make the plastic brittle and crack more easily, and can also allow the dissolved reclaimy stuff to seep into the plastic itself, discoloring it and adding foul odors.
The silicon gaskets in the DT aren't as critical, but I wouldn't want to wear them down unnecessarily.
If you do iso bathe your DT, I would do it for only a few minutes at a time, and then shake / rinse / blow / burn out all the alcohol out of the base before you load it up and use it again.
If there's any leftover isopropyl in your atty that gets hot and vaped and inhaled by you during use

that is
very bad for you and should be avoided
If you want to clean off the hard char / crust / reclaim off of the donut itself, iso bathing is useless. You need to burn it off to make your donut white again. However, if you have overfed or mis-used your donut to make it leak oil down into the base, as many new guys have encountered, iso bathing is the only way to really get all that stuff out. So if you really want to clear out a
heavily clogged / fouled base, some careful alcohol bathing must be done.
To clean off the charred donut: just set your mod to around 10-12W in VW mode, turn upside down and press the button, hold one air-hole, blow through the other. Matt has a video to illustrate the motion for you:
But let me stress:
12w max, not 14 like he says in this video. Poopmachine watched this video, cleaned at 14 or 15w, busted a donut, and that caused a big, mis-understood, high-watt shit-storm
2/ The donut in my short version 2.7 atty is crooked. Is this normal?
Good question... what do you mean by crooked?
If you mean
off-center, like the donut is close to the rim of the little ceramic cup that it sits on, on one side, and has a gap on the other side, that's normal, it's ok. There's
some variation coming out of the donut factory, not all are perfectly centered, but an off-center donut still works fine. You may want to use a sewing pin/needle to get into the bigger crack between the donut and cup and gently move reclaim oil to vape it up or burn off (Steven

If by crooked, you mean that it doesn't
sit flat, like one side of the donut is
higher up in the cup, while the other side is closer to the floor, that's not desireable, although it will probably work still.
If one side of the donut is sticking up in the cup, you can use a small tool to
gently convince it to sit flat in the cup. But be careful, pressing the donut in the wrong way can cause the wire to short out, and you may or may not be able to get it to come back.
Of about 50 or 60 or so attys I've bought so far, I've only had one that had a donut that was sticking up higher on one side of the cup and lower on the other side. It read at
0.86Ω (red flag for me) and it made very hot, combusty vape when using my typical TC settings. I pressed the high side of the donut down, but it shorted out the wires, and would come back at 0.90+ Ω, before settling back to 0.86, and it's original, high-seated, crooked position.
It also had a pool of semi-melted oil and reclaim underneath the high side of the donut. This created a cold spot, and this atty basically worked poorly. I told Matt about this and he sent me a new base to replace this one. Whenever you get an atty that you feel is defective or not up to standard, Matt usually will be willing to replace it for you.
Same with concentrates with the ceramic donuts, the same strains, and the same approach to temp. Patiently vaping off the lower temp fractions in the a.m, I want fine taste and fine cannabinoids, screw the opaque clouds, leave that to tire fires at the barricades. Actually THC itself vaporizes at a pretty low temp, it's a matter of blend. Here are the boiling points of the major Cannabis oil constituents, sorted by ascending temp, w/ Fahrenheit in the last column.
What's left on the donut after the first fractions, with temp set to say 350F, it's not so expensive that I can't afford to throw out this dross. Burn it off. Nobody's been begging for my growing stash of flower ABV anyway, that proves the point. At bedtime vape it hotter, that also means less to clean up as I'm falling asleep, or a faster burn-off in the morning.
Cool, thanks for posting up those charts, good info.

People talk terps, terps, terps all day, but the flavonoids often are left out of the discussion. That's some good stuff that's worthy of looking into further...
But as far as your
specific approaches with the DT donut: can you tell us what you're doing?
So you're vaping at 350F for the "alert" vape, but then what higher temp are you using for your "sdeate" vape?
And also, what TCR value and Ω rise?
(If we want to convert to a different TCR value)
And to be sure, you are vaping the light vapor at 350F, then
burning/cleaning the rest off, and then re-loading later for the higher-temp "sedate" vape?
Baller, you.
FWIW, my higher-temp, high-watt'ed vape still appears fairly light color to me, white-ish / light gray, but on the big pulls after a fresh reload, it just seems much more
Not dark like e-nail vape
re: Dropping out of TC mode. I think you're right, it's at base temp that it sees the 1.0 or 1.5 ohm limit.
But this gear isn't all that precise anyway. And where the resistance rises more clearly, the processor in the mod is less likely to give up and drop into VW. It's like when I put a SS coil on an older TC mod like a KangXin mini VF that was never programmed for SS. It has to make the decision, it tries, it sees SOME resistance increase, but it's unconvinced and drops into VW mode. The mod can't directly measure resistance, it's trying to derive both resistance and temperature from the change in current, AND regulate temp PID style at the same time. If it stays in TC mode mistakenly that's not good either, so it's the firmware programmer's call how to decide.
Yea, I can see that. Not all that precise, but precise enough to work pretty well most of the time still.
For non-upgradeable, non-custom-TCR TC mods that may not have the exact wire type for what you are using, forcing it to vape TC on a mis-matched coil type can confuse the mod: it's seeing resistance rise up, but not at the rate it would expect for the wattage it's giving out, calibrated for a certain type of conductor material. It may try to modulate more, fluctuate, and "force it" to work in TC even if what it's actually achieving is far from what's intended. Depending on which TC mod and firmware it is, it may "drop out" of TC mode into VW, or just struggle. It's just software, after all.
Same with flowers as with concentrates. Sure, people smoke 1 gram joints. And then they open windows and spray the room down with air freshener. Wondering where it all went?
But with a temp-limiting vaporizer a 50 mg (1/20th of a gram) pinch of a 20% THC bud provides that 10 mg of THC (+ CBD etc) right into the circulation. Tarzan casts aside cane, able and glad to walk.
Well, the general numbers of how much vaporized thc is entering your mouth, yea, that checks out. But into your bloodstream and brain and endocannabinoid receptors?
Not that much actually....
bioavailability of cannabis is an interesting side-topic to consider. A good amount of that 10mg of vapor will condense, stick to your mouth / airway
(and taste pretty good sitting there
), be exhaled, and get caught up in other various metabolic pitfalls.
According to wiki, the bioavailability of inhaled thc is 10-35%. So unless anyone wants to boil shatter and inject it into their veins with a syringe, (

) It's still the most effective way to administer, better than eating it, and I'm sure
vaping it is closer to the 35% side rather than
smoking it >10%
Sooo.....maybe 3-4mg of THC to the bloodstream out of that hypothetical 50mg of flowers....
W/ either substance, exhale through a linen napkin and the Check Please camera crew barely notices.
What are you saying? You work cameraman for the PBS show "check please" and you blow vape discretely at work through a linen napkin? Or you're a fellow diner at a restaurant being filmed for "Check Please"?
fernand, I love your prose. It's challenging and entertaining, requires interpretation