A Song of Ice and Vapor
What kind of tubing is this generally? Something food grade? I have some fat Tygon made for drink machines that I use in my PC.
@Vape Donkey 650 Love the poster.... was my avatar for a little while...
MY cuboid is 2 days late because of a USPS delay which has resulted in no delivered mail for the last 2 days. Also stuck in that delay is my 4 new 2.7's and water adapter....
When the cuboid gets in and i can limit not just one variable at a time I will be happy to try out the 200f/scrape down tech.
I might have to try this out if I ever break my glass adapter![]()
@Vape Donkey 650 Your gear is great. So the atomizer has a 16mm ID silicone tubing right off the "bottom". Since you then later pass through the smaller tubing, is that any different in flow rate from directly going into the smaller tubing, e.g. like this?
In place of the black ceramic 2.5 style top, I would prefer a Pyrex top, nice to "see" the action.
What kind of tubing is this generally? Something food grade? I have some fat Tygon made for drink machines that I use in my PC.
so on my sd trip i had to hit the dt 2.7 dry. i never use it dry but i needed stealth. Anyway, with this i noticed the "one flake goes for days" effect. The airlfow in the dt 2.7 is so great that if hit comfortably, i believe it is enough to cool down the donut and hinder its performance. im used to water tools, so that naturally restricts some airlfow, and i do some manual restrictions with my mouth and breath as well on top of that. I noticed i could not finish my same loads in 1 long chained hit and this only happens when i was using it dry in sd. Playing around with it, the culprit for me is related to airflow because i use the same atty at home with a water tool and i finish my loads as usual. dont get me wrong, the DT 2.7 is definitely a conserver, but for a bb load to last so many hits for me is unheard of
@fernand Sourcevapes came out with a new enail line that actually uses the dt donut with either a glass, ceramic, or titanium cup that sits on top of the donut. sounds very similar to what you are doing. i didnt like it too much because you need to superheat the donut to get decent vapor. do you have the same problem with your set up? not sure if it is for you because i think you like your stuff very low heat
http://m.dhgate.com/store/14220236#st-navigation-storehome-itemnewAre you guys aware of any vertical water pieces that will fit over the DT base a la W9 tech's nibbler or vubblers from Source or Vaped? Or any glass pieces that will fit on the base? I've broken like half a dozen of the ones from DT, ha.
The 2.7 & 2.5 are my daily drivers stilland I usually don't use it so frequently that I get a dry or sore throat, but a water tool would still be nice.
Sidenote: has anyone tried their enail? Been considering one and there's is very reasonably priced. I looked for a thread on it but didn't see one.
Nothing really to worry about exactly but there could be a few things that are going on. Your atty sounds like it may have lost a bit of contact in the leads,which will cause the resistance to rise. Rough swiping for cleaning may result in this as well. I always take a mental note of where the inner air holes are positioned in relation to the outer air holes. This way, I will be aware if any rough handling will cause the cup to rotate away from its original position. Carefully returning it to its original position often times restores the resistance. If that's is not the case, your donut may be cracked or degraded to a degree. Try doing a thorough cleaning and then an iso bath to see if that helps any as well. Other than that, at 1 ohms, it should still fire in tc, so u might be good for a little bitNote: Solved, seemingly. Cleaning the threads with iso soaked paper towel was more effective than iso dipped Q tip. got a lot more gunk off. howver that one old dirty atty (the one I caused to leak several times) now shows a resistance of barely over 1 ohm. anything to worry about?
Can anyone help me with a weird issue?
Brought my old (the dirty one) to a friends house last night so he could try it. Of course it eventaully got overloaded and I had the suspicioun it might start leaking so i detached t and cleanedthe threads with ISO when I took it home.
Plugged it back into my Cuboid.... shows new col or same coil, so i pick new coil, and says Atomizer Short!!!!
I plug it into my eleaf TC40W and it fires fine???
What's the big mystery here? Shold i toss that one bottom half?
Cleared the holes on a few pulses of 12w and back to working normal althoug the resistance is about 0.9 where its usually 0.7. Anything to worry about?
Here is a link to the store on dhgate that has trustworthy glass. He makes like 4 Hydratubes that can all be adapted to the 2.7 cap with just a silicon band. There is also a pinnacle pro water tool that's a bit smaller on the same store that will adapt to the 2.5 cap with a silicon band. Trust me, get a hydratube from the sunshine store and u will thank me later. I haven't put my hands on the w9tech glass, but as for the other small generic bubblers for vape pens, those can be adapted to the 2.5 cap with some silicon. The dt 2.5 & 2.7 can be paired with many, many types of bubblers. I never usually take dry hits
I have had one for a while with no issues, same pin configuration as d nail, and many others, I run a flat and 20mm coil.
Thanks a bunch! will probably pick one up soon. What type of silicon band do you use?
Thanks, good to know!
Just curious who here rocks a RX200, gearbest flash sale got one for 37 shipped, felt better about that than ebay where some looked pretty sketchy...
anyway i read some posts on ecig forums saying the tc mode on rx200 is not as nice as that of the joyetechs. is this true?
i got another friend interested in DT but now i tell them to just buy the atty and go find a vtc mini.
I've had some issue with the TC mode on my RX200 as well. Doesn't seem to work as well as the eleaf pico (I use both for nicotine juice) despite having pretty much identical interfaces. I'd assumed it was the same chip set but it appears something is different. Still using the Tesla Nano 60w with my DT's.
My RX200 from gearbest shippedI know it's not the best on TC but excited to try it regardless.
One cool thing about gearbest: they actually send you a photo of your package before it gets mailed?!?!?!? who else in the world does that?! that is AWESOME customer service to me. Lets hope it gets here in one piece and fully authentic according to Wismec.
It should be obvious to everyone but don't let a heavy mod like the Cuboid hang off of the glass adapter even a tiny bit!!!!
My VTC Mini showed up today (amazing device! should have bought 2 of these not 2 cuboids maybe!) which seems light enough to let it hang off the glass adapter and more importantly is an impressive and well designed device.
I would not be surprised if I keep the VTC Mini, get another, sell a cuboid and keep the RX200. Well I need to use the RX200 first to know if I like it.
@Vape Donkey 650 Your low wattage + scraping off the gunk trick worked real well bro. Good advice.
@Steven Which one do you have dude? And do the silicon rings that come with the DT's enough to keep them attached?
Damn!!! good to know... hope mine makes it here safeAs someone that buys way too many rc toys from gearbest, I can tell you that customer service is not their strong suit. The picture is their attempt at mitigating claims of non- delivered packages.
If you are talking about Hydratubes, I have the Recycler shower head perc hydratube and a straight up regular Showerhead perc hydratube. They all will work if that is your concern. Hydratubes come in either 14mm or 18mm fittings. Anything 14mm with adapt to the 2.5 cap and anything 18.mm will fit the 2.7 cap. The orings that comes with the dt donut will not be enough to hold the Hydratubes. U need an actual silicone band. I showed an example of how those disposable silicone mouth tips for vaping can be cut into bands a few posts backMy RX200 from gearbest shippedI know it's not the best on TC but excited to try it regardless.
One cool thing about gearbest: they actually send you a photo of your package before it gets mailed?!?!?!? who else in the world does that?! that is AWESOME customer service to me. Lets hope it gets here in one piece and fully authentic according to Wismec.
It should be obvious to everyone but don't let a heavy mod like the Cuboid hang off of the glass adapter even a tiny bit!!!!
My VTC Mini showed up today (amazing device! should have bought 2 of these not 2 cuboids maybe!) which seems light enough to let it hang off the glass adapter and more importantly is an impressive and well designed device.
I would not be surprised if I keep the VTC Mini, get another, sell a cuboid and keep the RX200. Well I need to use the RX200 first to know if I like it.
@Vape Donkey 650 Your low wattage + scraping off the gunk trick worked real well bro. Good advice.
@Steven Which one do you have dude? And do the silicon rings that come with the DT's enough to keep them attached?