I made us some fancy instruction manuals.... that was a lot of work! hope they are useful.
Also, insulated handle is up!
Also, insulated handle is up!

@justpassdu I usually use 6mm pearls (x2) but sometimes I’ll throw one 6mm and one 5mm to help clear the center oil out. You can also clear the center oil by lifting off the carb cap when pearls spinning slower just don’t lift it too early although I don’t think I’ve had a pearl shoot because of the overhang. On my halo well I’ve dodged a couple pearls being a little forgetful about the carb cap.
The pearls in this device really do aid in vaporization and for me I wouldn’t want to use the Dcup without them. I don’t always feel strongly about pearls but the carb cap is perfectly designed to get them really spinning nice tight fit, with two directional airflows inlets. Very tightly designed. The only caution I would have is be careful to keep the Dcup level, I was passing it around or picking my rig up and what happen was the oil got under the insert which isn’t so much fun to clean. Although NewVape has an instructions on their website in case that happens.
Temps 490-580 F I generally let the temp rise and fall between these points by switching my D-nail heat on and off.