I'm at 575 on the dcup to. I just soak my cold dish in tap water for 15 min and it wipes completely shiny clean again.
Excellent. Thats very convenient for my lazy bones.
Congrats in upping your game, yet again

I'm at 575 on the dcup to. I just soak my cold dish in tap water for 15 min and it wipes completely shiny clean again.
OK... So the performance I think Im seeing at 575/570 with 6 SiC balls is the same as I think I was seeing at 600+ on the VRod but without the irritation I was feeling very quickly at 600+ VRod (I think I was alone in my lungs having a bad reaction to anything over 600, just one of those things but its a repeatable thing).
It should be much smoother than dabbing from the Vrod as the extraneous hot convection air is removed from the hit.
I think you Dcup guys are going for completely different types of hits than us ruby& quartz dudes who are more into ultra smooth low temp vapor. All those pearls and stuff aren't really going to make for smoother vapor, on the contrary they will increase the vapor density. I usually use a single 4mm pearl in my dab rig with my ruby or sapphire insert and find it sufficient.
...all perspectives are good, especially those which depict personal experiences..used six Perl’s in dcup yesterday..gonna use 8 today...keep those trials/experiments coming. Cheers everyone.
Meaning no disrespect, or being an arse, but I'm not sure I understand your point here? I know it should be smoother, thats why I bought it, but 'should' doesnt always equate to actual real life findings. My lungs dont react the same to most ppl so I'm reporting my findings for the few ppl who it might help. Plus, isnt that the point of this site?
The rest of your post I find a bit confusing too. Im not trying to part of some DCup monolith with singular purpose. Much like the VRod, OGFP, Showerhead, and the rest, Im enjoying my new purchase and writing up my findings. Im going down in temp and experimenting/twatting about with the amount of ball/pearls. I dont have a ruby or sapphire insert and Im not using quartz, but I have all these SiC ball here so Im trying em. On the VRod, they helped me get lower temps, but the same performance as higher temps and no SiC balls.
Maybe I'm speaking too much from my own perspective, but I do seem to have been replied to with your post![]()
I think your lungs react similar to most of us dabbers on here, that's why I've been wanting to see you switch to a dab setup without convection all these months, because I know you suffer the same issue as many of us who need smooth hits.
The Vrod is a great vaporizer, but the convection heat added to every dab as air and vapor pass through the heat exchanger can add up for people with lung sensitives.
The pearl suggestion was again in response to smoothness, I'm just suggesting ways to get smoother hits.
More pearls = denser vapor, denser vapor is gonna be harsher.
Tis all![]()
OK, I kinda understand now. Still, considering you regularly do high temp flower hits that would literally leave me unable to breathe, Im not sure our lungs react as much the same as you think?
I did some high temp videos with the Showerhead a few years ago but I rarely vaporize flower, my body doesn't love the convection wear and tear. I usually recommend people to press flower into rosin.
@emmdeemo ty for all this great feedback man. I'm glad you got 1 as I am going to give all the suggestions you have been writing a try. Where did you pick up the Sic pearls from by the way ? You think they are working better than quartz or Ruby 1's ?
NoDoes the carb cap from the Vrod happen to work with the dcup?
DCup carb cap fits snugly inside the OG VRod carb cap.
How this info is useful isnt my problem![]()
I need to know a purpose for this information. Dont leave me hanging now...![]()