Introducing the new DCup vaporizer. A brand new take on the banger concept with a whole new eco system available. It is our goal to have a best-in-class desktop flower vaporizer, best-in-class Rosin Presses and we felt the DCup helps propel us to the best-in-class concentrate-only vaporizer with the DCup Vaporizer.
The vapor-path is Grade 2 Titanium and some accessories made from stainless steel and aluminum.
This new take on the eBanger is modular, so it requires assembly as opposed to welding joints. It is lightweight enough to not tip your glass over and it is adaptable, with connection posts available in 18mm and 14mm.
The Dcup is accompanied by its own Carb Cap featuring a protrusion that fits perfectly into the DCup Main body lid for the perfect low-pressure environment. FULL MELT EVERY TIME!
Most live-in eBangers carry a general concern for the well-being of ones glass. This time around, NewVape has made yet another use for the FlowerPot enail handle, plus a DCup specific safety stand with a Dcup specific heat post so that you can safely share your glass with other devices, or simply give it a place to rest between sessions.
Once again NewVape delivering best-in-class performance with the DCup Vaporizer.
Read more about it here!
The vapor-path is Grade 2 Titanium and some accessories made from stainless steel and aluminum.
This new take on the eBanger is modular, so it requires assembly as opposed to welding joints. It is lightweight enough to not tip your glass over and it is adaptable, with connection posts available in 18mm and 14mm.
The Dcup is accompanied by its own Carb Cap featuring a protrusion that fits perfectly into the DCup Main body lid for the perfect low-pressure environment. FULL MELT EVERY TIME!
Most live-in eBangers carry a general concern for the well-being of ones glass. This time around, NewVape has made yet another use for the FlowerPot enail handle, plus a DCup specific safety stand with a Dcup specific heat post so that you can safely share your glass with other devices, or simply give it a place to rest between sessions.
Once again NewVape delivering best-in-class performance with the DCup Vaporizer.
Read more about it here!
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