I think my DV is suffering from more manufacture error. My unit has trouble charging. I have to either push and hold the plug into or slightly left in order for it to charge and buzz. This is fine when using the unit but I use it as my everyday go to portable so when I can't charge it over night when I fall asleep it becomes incredibly inconvenient. I only ever plugged it in at night and let it sit on my bed-side table so I don't know why this has happened. Would warranty cover a replacement? I would send it in but like I said it's my go to and currently only piece I have. I could try to take a video or shop around for a quick replacement piece, but I'm currently broke with no job, fresh out of school with the debt that comes with it, but I'm sure I could find something.
I have exactly the same problem.. i think it is a connection problem between the charger and the DV itself. What i do is put the charger in a way that it is continually pressing the side of the entrance in the hole. And then i monitor the battery icon, if the sequence doesnt stop and restart then it means it is charging correctly and i can go to sleep knowing the DV will be charged.
I thought i had a problem with my battery and then i realized it wasnt the battery, just a bad charger.