I have worked sales in the pipe industry for 8 years thats why i dont like how DG is saying he is an artist that needs to protect his product. He is trying to monopolize on frit perc in pipes. And yea i can be an ass the primo frit bub above was purchased 2 years ago by a friend of mine and im the one who put vid on youtube and i saw what DG is claiming when a FC member messaged me on youtube and directed me to this tread. So yea i feel i have a right to say what i said considering how the frit cup on a down stem was used years ago but DG thinks he needs to collect royalties on a product produced before his patent.Runn you do realize that all "ideas" from these glass artists are stolen right? they can all be learned from scientific glass blowing, not art glass or functional art glass blowing. Do you see HOPS complaining that everybody is using inline? No it is a part of the evolution of glass. What about luke complaining about people doing more the 10 arms? It is simple econimics. Is it in bad taste to try and patent the idea, yes. But dont be an ass about it because you aren't the one being ripped off.
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See a c-1 (atlas) chiropractor. I got tmj from a badly patched implant years ago. It's nasty, I know. It is primarily a chiropractic issue, c-1 chiropractors (they're kind of rare) fix it fastest.To tell you guys the truth I quit using both of my DG pieces the mini can and the 18inch tube. Since I got my Mobius I just prefer it allot more. It has been over a week since I have used either of the DG pieces. There is allot less drag and not as much suction required to pull through the Mobius piece. I think the DG was affecting my TMJ from the increased suction. My jaw was starting to lock up and had been sore ever since I started using the DG. When I stopped the jaw started to loosen up. A week later it is starting to pop now, which is a good sign. It means maybe in another few weeks I will be back to a more normal level of TMJ symptoms.
Has anyone one else with TMJ has issues with their DG pieces?
Ive been looking at the mini can and the only worry I have is the fact that the mini doesnt come with the small fritted disc that goes over the male joint that I believe is for combustion? (correct me if I'm wrong about any of this). Why does the mini can not come with those?
Oh I see. So do you think the 21mm will work better for combustion them the mini can?
That style fritted is sweet VapeNStone. I've seen them around, but can't find them for sale. Is there anywhere to purchase them online?
Here's a pic of my Bog Wood stem in a 14-18 reducer:
And here's a link to the same adapter on PlanetVape:
BTW, Keegan,
I just checked my DG straight tube with my eds solo stem, and it looks like the solo will be a bit in your face with a 13/14" tube.
It doesn't particularly bother me, but it's something to keep in mind.