Ok, so how many of us, as soon as we hit our 1st Fritter for the 1st time, instantly thought
"I must get another one of these"
*raises hand*
"Hi, my name is Frederick, I have Glass Collection Disorder"
I shot NVS off an email on the morning of 7/10 there (dealing with timezones can get confusing after hitting the mini can

) and didn't end up getting a reply
I just shot them off another e-mail, asking if my order would still fall under the 7/10 discount since I did actually try to order it on 7/10.
I know they were busy as all hell though, it's not entirely surprising they didn't respond quickly.
I've been wondering this ever since I got my Mini-Can, but what exactly does "patent pending" mean legally?
Another EDIT:
It seems Wikipedia is my friend
So, basically, it doesn't mean anything until the patent is actually granted?
Modnote: Quote tag fixed.
No, "patent pending" is accepted to have greater deterrent value to knock offs than the actual patent issuing. When a 7 digit (Utility) patent is pending, the contents of the pending patent claim are not a matter of public record, and any potential rip-off scammer has the added anxiety that he does not know what claims are being made, making it more uncertain as to where the line of novelty over prior art is.
Notice, PHX was first to Utility patent a water pipe, the "honeycomb." While that patent was pending, nobody was making discs of that sort. Once the patent issued, and was a matter of public record, my guess is that a couple of well known brands looked at the phx patent, discovered that it was written rather narrowly (badly), and decided that making discs with drilled or saw cut holes was sufficiently novel as to not apply to their designs. If I had written phx'x patent, I would have used broader language, and would probably be going after them. I've used very broad language in my application, when it issues, I believe it will prevail in any instance of another fritted disc accessory coming to market for the next 17 years.
But, wait....there's more. I have been involved in this industry since 1976, kept a pretty low profile through the raygun/hw bush admins witch hunts. I know the history quite well. The only airtight defense against a drug paraphenalia charge is patent defense. You cannot patent anything that is illegal or immoral, therefore anything with a utility patent is legal and moral. Adams Apple Distributing took it to the supreme court in their 1980's case with their Deering scale, and won. It is difficult to get utility patents on water pipes, and I give phx thumbs up for doing so. Patent defense is an impregnable wedge against these idiot laws.
But wait....there's more. In 1963, the Surgeon Gen'l of the USA suggested that water filtration may reduce harmful constituents in tobacco smoke. Nobody ever did the study....before me. I have a few bucks. I can afford it. It is a side project here, and when the results from my laboratory apparatus com back from the laboratory showing reduction in harmful constituents in tobacco smoke, I would hate to be the idiot DA who has to argue that tobacco smokers must be subjected to greater harm because a proven harm reducing, patented, legal glass pipe is considered drug paraphenalia and banned from local sale. Bad laws will change. Bad laws NEED to change.
Lastly, I would like to point out that i make my discs in house, and the products from the lab supply houses you so conveniently posted to assist copycat glassblowers are not configured for use at lung pressure, as a prior poster discovered. If you can delete those earlier posts, I would consider that respectful. I have been widely ripped off for many ideas I brought to this industry, most particularly ash traps,"percolators," (I hate that inaccurate term) and hex bases. I suppose I could also claim ground joints but my 1987 and 1994 introductions of ground joints were (way ahead of their time) both total flops. When I used my first frit prototype for the first time, I knew I'd get ripped off again if I did not seek a utility patent.
Fyi, utility patents have 7 digits and cover the functionality of a design. Design patents are 6 digits, and only apply to what something looks like. This is why you can't take an Iphone, put it in a hand painted case, and claim you've invented something. Same thing here.
"If imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, innovation is the most sincere form of criticism" (Stuart Brand)
I worked in the University of Maryland's lab glass shop back when I was a student there. I have been in labs, worked with chemists, and have had a good little quartzworking business for a while. I know laboratory glass far better than a lot of young posers who were not yet born when I got started. I know that if the object is to scrub a gas with a liquid as efficiently as possible, your gas washing bottle will use a fritted disc. Seeing so much lab-looking glass that you would NEVER find used in a laboratory, I thought...."Hmmm. I would what REAL lab glass would work like?"
Well, now ya know. It works damned good, and if you're conscientious about cleaning and water changing, it's easy to live with.
Closing....look out, 'cause here comes some free advice:
Dabbers! Do not use ice water or ice. You will get more taste, payload, and less reclaim with room temp or warmer water. Do not put your piece in the fucking freezer!
Thank you.
My .02 DG
Welcome to FC Rooster!
I am the french guy with who you discussed joint sizes & norms by mail a few weeks back!
As I told you then, you will see your work gets a lot of love around here.
Bob, yes the ability to dab enormous quantities without any coughing reflex at all is THE PRO of those pieces IMO!
I talked with ups today, they have some stuff to make international shipping easier....