David Goldstein's Fritted Disc


Glass Blower
I have a cleaning system worked out for this thing that is easy and doesn't even need salt. Just use the hot water tap and flush her real good. Then rinse with iso, let dwell a while, longer = better. Hot water flush again then either a Simple Green soak, if I have been doing dabs, or right to the hydrogen peroxide final soak, and of course a final water rinse to finish. Thats really about it so far.
HOT water is KEY!

since resin repels water (hence its so hard to wash off your hands)

pre-heats help with any piece ive ever cleaned, just get your whole piece nice and warm n hot by just washing the whole thing under warm-hot water(avoid temp shock)

then use whatever solvent(or product) and aggregate if you choose. Shake to hell or soak.


if you dont hot rinse before and after, how do you expect to get all the nasty shit out that you just spent all your time trying to get out?


Vapor Sloth
Yeah the hot water thing really helps the chemicals do their thing during the dwell/shake . . . like you said, avoid thermal shock . . .


Glass Blower
New place looks nice. Hope they are getting those fires under control. Dabba Dabba!
ya know im kinda pissed now that i didnt say "yabaDABadooo!" fuck hahaha

yeah the fires are looking weak as hell.

all i know, if it was an arsonist....they'll light it back on fire again or something, cause considering how huge this was CO kicked ass and put out one of the fastest moving fires ever, we're down about 300 homes....thats nothing to the CA fires i was in few years back.


HOT water is KEY!

since resin repels water (hence its so hard to wash off your hands)

pre-heats help with any piece ive ever cleaned, just get your whole piece nice and warm n hot by just washing the whole thing under warm-hot water(avoid temp shock)

then use whatever solvent(or product) and aggregate if you choose. Shake to hell or soak.


if you dont hot rinse before and after, how do you expect to get all the nasty shit out that you just spent all your time trying to get out?
So guys I really have to post pix... but again if we are talking about ONLY BHO USED PIECES (yes my herb vaping pieces have particles and need a totally different washing pattern involving solvents as you describe):
-I do around 6 to 8 dabs/day in my fritter or in any of my glass pieces...
-I only use the pressure and the max temp of my tap water: running through the piece for 3 mn. every 36 hours= 99% of the resin out.
-Add a little shaking, a little pipe cleaner for my mouthpieces while the hot water flow is running.
-Do a little shake and bubble stacking (to clean the perc. internals) with filtered water
-Once a week very little iso (same quantity transfered from 1 piece to another)

And I always have sparkling glass!

Meaning for a concentrate only glass piece...hot water, pressure and a little shaking + do this regularly (for the build up claim not to harden) will keep it sparkling clean!

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
You don't care about the reclaim oil you could be getting?

I thought the buildup for dabs was quite considerable?
Frederick McGuire,


So wet claim' (passed the water reclaim): NO I do not care!
Dry claim': YES but I scrap it before cleaning!


in flavor country
I have been using the same jar of 99% Iso to give mine a first rinse, and then I save it. Then I do the hot water flush. I now have a jar of nice golden Iso, looks like pee :freak: ha! I suspect it will make a decent reclaim oil, since I only vape or dab in my DG's.


I have been using the same jar of 99% Iso to give mine a first rinse, and then I save it. Then I do the hot water flush. I now have a jar of nice golden Iso, looks like pee :freak: ha! I suspect it will make a decent reclaim oil, since I only vape or dab in my DG's.

It will for sure!
I'm not a big fan of ISO oils aftertaste...I always seem to detect it in a dab... But vaped at "low temps" might evaporate it before it hits your pallet!
Tha's why I always go for dry reclaim (male joint, tube, globe, nail)= 2 dabs for free at each cleaning and good flavors, but you are right jam, I should keep the iso and try that!


Glass Blower
was just looking at my piece last night

since i have little things right now and only hot water. i was thinking if i should let the DG build up so i can claim it? or is it just more worth it to always have a clean piece and no claim?

i mean i have a whole damn jar of ABV oil anyways thatl keep me dabbin all year...so i guess i kinda dont care about claim? unless someone can prove me wrong that im throwin away something real usefull
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I'm coming more or less from the same background Xchadb (ABV extracts & vapor honey abundance-wise), and I love having my piece clean with no claim but jam has a good idea with the quick iso rinse, if you want to get the most out of it, without being that user unfriendly/complicated to do on a daily routine!

EDIT: hope you are doing good in that new place bro'!

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
You don't care about the reclaim oil you could be getting?

I thought the buildup for dabs was quite considerable?

I do not bother doing reclaiming at all. I don't think it is worth the energy/effort for the product you get in the end. I am not even sure I will keep making ABV oil. I currently have access to really good concentrated. The ABV oil just feels weak in comparison.
Slightly Medicated,
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Glass Blower
evac's lifted :)

got my stuff back! Oh how i missed you so much solo :)

what a pain in the ass, fuckn' cock suckn fire i swear biggest pain in the ass.

feels good giving back to the community tho :) got to cut the fire chief's hair today and also a bunch of other servicemen, fools get full service treatment in the shop thats forsure, deserve it.

fighting fires sucks, fighting them uphill in the forest in the middle of 100 degree dry CO summers is worse.


Well-Known Member
Just got 3 DG Cans in the mail today from NVS!!!!

Can't believe how easy they pull and how awesome they are. I was expecting greatness, but they even blew those expectations outta the water. What a great piece and design.

I ordered 3 cans from NVS as well as 2 of their 18mm TI nails. I have to say that their nails are awesome and are up there with the HI and the DYB.

Of the 3 cans I ordered, 2 were the same and 1 was different with a more flared base and larger can. I ordered all 3 of these together from NVS, and there was no mention of different types of cans when I was ordering. I was just wondering whats the difference between them, and if I should be calling NVS if they are different ones or different prices since I bought these all together as a combo, and was under the impression that they are all the same type and price.

BTW, David Goldstein Rocks!!!


Glass Blower
went to 7th floor today....the frit disc is SO CLOSE

it almost looks the same as the disc in my tube, but twice as thick and all fucked up, he showed me all the practice runs and attempts.

everytime he had a nice one made, itd crack when putting it in the tube...


Glass Blower
damn it! there goes all my money again, well....if i can even get ahold of one


Dab Trotter
that one hasn't been seen on Aqua lab yet but they posted it on instagram. so that means they have it and are gunna be putting it on the site in the next couple days. should be available online soon lol :p

Zangano Cruel

IG zan.cru (code) zancru (5% NV checkout discount)
Hi DG fritted disc maniacs!!! As of today,
The Third Eye Shop in Portland ,OR,
1st of July is celebrating 25th years, so they are having a big 25% OFF on all the shop :)
Yesterday I went for a check up and I saw like 10 DG pieces, minicans for $320, today for $240 :) good luck

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
If I did not have a can and a tube, I would consider it. Did you know if they had those cool beaker bottom tubes?
Slightly Medicated,
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