Howdy y'all.
Thank you all for the support and kinds words.
This video should help answer a lot of questions I received from everyone.
Yes it would be possible for me to make Daisies with other woods. I actually have considered doing that. We were also thinking about making Daisies with extra thick dimensions for wood carvers to be able to do their thing. The only thing I can think about as far as using other woods is that I would have to start off with certain dimensions of lumber. My tools require certain dimensions that it must start off with to be used.
I think my rich and classy uncle would have a Daisy as well. Daisy is something that can and will be inherited someday.
Fortunately you can not use a regular candle flame based lighter. We tested that idea in the early stages of testing and design, especially because those lighters are so cheap and everywhere. It will never get hot enough. They taste really nasty too, they do not burn clean like torches do.
The torches that come with your Daisy package have been tested rigorously as well. I have used one everyday multiple times a day for at least 6 months. If they should go out on you, we will be selling them soon for a great deal. A kitchen torch WILL work, but can be dangerous.
At the moment, we are only using one type of wood. Eventually we will use different kinds of wood.
Thank you for convincing your friend to buy Waldo. Sad to hear they are no longer together,especially if they were so close. I must admit I am a little disturbed knowing Waldo can be in an evidence room out there some where.
Fuck Combustion members or site visitors using the link in this thread's first post will always receive 10% off. The discount has secretly been 20%, a surprise for my early adopters

. I will be changing that discount back to 10% in a couple weeks.
Free shipping will be ending before September.
I share your concerns as well about the butane and the fumes. It would be redundant to vaporize with a device that is harmful to your health. The evidence is out there about how torches work and how they compare to conventional lighters.
Gas stoves and central heating units that use gas also deploy the same method of a heat source.
I have been using torch powered vaporizers ( from Triihouse) for over 5 years now, and so has my wife. She and I run half marathons and I am in the gym a few days a week.
I guess my point is that if you are interested and want to give Daisy a try, it is risk free.
Thank you so very much for your review

. I hope many can share your experience.
One thing I would like to comment on about your review. The "WHISTLE SOUND" you mention.
That whistle is indicating that the airflow has a lot of turbulence. From our research and experience, the turbulence is great for CONVECTION vaporizing. Turbulence agitates and scrubs the compounds to be vaporized. This equals more cloudy heavy hits. If you have to inhale too slow and low, just turn your torch up a little bit and draw a little harder.
After testing and observing people, we learned people like to emulate the using of a "BONG". Long full deep draws. We want to convert water pipe smokers to Daisy vaporizer users.