So, I'm going to start this post off with a little background story...
I'm a complete sucker for big things in small packages

...I guess that's probably the TLDR version here, so some of you might want to get out while you can!
Aaaaanyway, across nearly every one of my hobbies, I've found myself migrating slowly toward smooshing the best performance into the smallest packages. My PC is a 12 liter mini-ITX gaming rig. My beer brewing setup is a 1.75 gallon fully electric system. So, it really shouldn't surprise me that it'd eventually extend to cannabis too! Some of you may or may not know my background, but I've been vaping for somewhere around 17 years now. I started with a Vapor Brothers like many others, but VAS caught me early and hard... even back when there weren't many to choose from. I've owned as many vapes (probably more) as years I've been doing it. Several months ago, I switched to concentrates pretty much exclusively. Sold off all of my flower vapes (except my sexy as heckfire Nomad... she's not going anywhere). Concentrates offer the best bang for kicking my insomnia straight in the balls. Not only that, but my lungs and throat feel better, and I find myself using less and less to achieve the results I need (and enjoy!

I used to grow between 4-6 small plants at a time and as I've gotten more into concentrates, pressing my own rosin, etc., I've scaled back to more like 2 plants for personal use. Fast forward to today and I'm working to reduce that to a single plant every cycle. I'm already saving more than half of what I was spending on energy, nutrients, time/maintenance, etc.
How does all this relate to Dabpress? ...I don't know, I'm writing this while stoned and forgot what I was talking about...
Oh right, I just want to give them more praise. Yeah, we all know there are better presses out there depending on different usage scenarios. But for the majority of mammals who press at home for personal use, their gear hits all the right marks, IMHO. They've met my needs to a T while not only being super affordable, but also somehow offering some of the best customer service I've experienced in a long time.
Anyway, the whole point of this is really just to say I got a new toy and I fucking love it. Pics below are of their 10-ton mini press and it's the shiznit. Seriously, I opened the box and was floored with the beauty, quality, and simplicity of it. And it's soooo small, like loaf of bread small.
It's cleared up my workbench so I can continue my plans for world domination unhindered! *cue nefarious cackle*
I know, I know... this is hot off the heels of using my 10-ton driptech press for literally the first time... but I had an opportunity to score this little guy for a good price and couldn't pass it up. I mean, I -did- try to warn you right at the beginning of this probably-too-wordy post. Thanks again
@psychonaut, now I gotta get to work on another harvest so I can break this in with a proper squish.
edit: oh, I also wanted to mention that I was iffy at first about forking over extra cash for the BVA pump. I wasn't sure it'd offer a tangible benefit other than maybe longevity, but the pump action is silky smooth with less effort and overall feels muuuuuuuch better than the Porta Power I had before.