@psychonaut do you know if Roger is sending stock of dp-hr10t35 & pump w/gauge to the EU warehouse before the big BF/CM sale?
Hell, it just hit me (again) that the UK may not even be in the EU by then!

God I hope so, I get claustrophobic just thinking about that reality...
@pxl_jockey that's the goal, will see how the EU works with us to get our shipments in. Here in the US there have been delays in customs, so stocking is taking longer than anticipated presently.
^ this is just one instance and you indicated that the goal was to have it in the EU warehouse but now it seems like you’re saying that they’re not going to be in the EU warehouse? I know that the 220v have all been shipped from China. But in the last few days, the
product page has changed and now shows the following options:
110V - Shipping from China
220V - Shipping from China
110V - Shipping from the USA
110V - Shipping from Canada
220V - Shipping from E.U.
Based upon our conversations and this change, I assumed (wrongly) that everything was good to go. Now you’re saying that you’ll need to get an ETA on when it’ll be available here? I would think that Roger could stick a few in the container, to see how well they might sell in Europe if his European customers didn’t have to pay 50% of the unit’s price in additional fees and taxes.
If I lived in the US, I wouldn’t care where it came from because it wouldn’t matter ($$$) but we all know that your European customers wind up paying much more for the same press, which is why it was so imperative to get an EU warehouse so that dabpress can grow in Europe.
I would love to know the reason why, if the EU warehouse recently received dp-hr10t35v, why wouldn’t it also get some dp-hr10t35? They’re obviously not going to sell well if they’re not going to be stocked in Europe. I don’t care about the filters and prepress having to be sent from China, they’re small and relatively cheap. But why wouldn’t dabpress stock a few of each press and your pump that some require for operation, you know, the heavy and expensive shit that really dings people on customs fees?!
That just seems obvious... oh well, fuck it. Guess I won’t be joining the dabpress family anytime soon and my winter is looking much more grim. I’m not trying to be a dick to ya
@psychonaut but this is disappointing and feels like the ball was dropped on this big time. Or you knew that Roger didn’t intend to stock the dp-hr10t35 in Europe and didn’t want to say so? Is there some reason why Roger/you only want to ship that unit from China?
EDIT: Do you know if any are being shipped to be sold via Amazon.com? Most of the units and the pump are available there, and I have a way to order from American Amazon. So does Roger intend to only sell & ship the dp-hr10t35 from China? I really don’t understand the logic behind this, or the decision to manufacture it again if it’s not as readily available as the other presses/plates.