Creepin in the shadows!
yeah already done
thanks. I just really dont want to send it away

FLskwat said:SmokingElectricity said:schweet setup @ cluffy.
i always wanted to get my hands on a SSV heater cover for DBV.
@SE & Cluffy: Am I missing something when you say they are no more available?
charliedontsurf said:Thanks for putting up with my stupid questions guys, I'm new to 7th floor vapes. I was very surprised when I first saw it in person, expecting the heating element to be a male like "box" vapes and not a female, so thats shows how much I know about 7th floor stuff.
1: I'm reading about people using extreme elbows, am I to understand they mean something like this? and just attaching a whip I already have to that would work fine?
2. how long can DBV safely be left on, according our experience or the manufacturer's instructions? I got none with the unit.
3. mine say produced and assembled or something like that on the bottom, were older ones made in America?
4. Best place to get a whip? I just found out my Glassmansdoll 19mm adaptor can be used a bowl, but the heat needs to be way down and a screen has to be placed precariously within the male 19mm joint.
Edit: one more question. The first post says the SSV has a higher vapor to air ratio, is this true and if so why?
charliedontsurf said:So even without a bowl made for the purpose, I absolutely love my DBV. I just wish I didn't have to keep calling it that, it's such a silly damn name!
DBV is the shit. 'Cept the name.
SmokingElectricity said:DBV was made in china [except for the glass] then shipped to the fine folks at 7th floor for Q&A.
even though it says MADE IN THE USA, it wasn't.
FLskwat said:....
medical grade safely with temps reaching 200 & more, and it's a flavor enhancer IMO. The cons: more flexible, a texture less appealing and it keeps more particulates & smells then vinyl.
High temps treated vinyl/PVC: 7th Floor confirms their tubing is one of those (and their prices are good for 20 ft. +), or you can find them googling easily!