Alright, well firstly, I'm new to this forum so hello everyone
I bought my DBV basically on a complete whim after a friend of mine convinced me that purchasing a vaporizer would be a good idea (both for my health and my wallet). I found Da Buddha by browsing several forums relevant to vaporizing. Searching for "the best one", I found that universally everyone had nothing but positive things to say about DBV.
After reading about the unit itself and all of its health benefits, etc. on the website, I was sold. I ordered one immediately, and was very pleased when it arrived a few days later (they got it here fast!) in discreet packaging.
I have never used a vaporizer before, but the unit was surprisingly very easy to learn how to use. It wasn't until about a week and a half later, after constantly experimenting with it, that I really think I figured it out. I went from getting about 15-18 hits per pack to getting 30+ hits or more simply by setting the temperature lower (I start at 12 o'clock, and end around 1:30) and by hitting it more softly. When I'm by myself, I can actually get blasted about three times off of one "vape pack" before I'm satisfied that it's entirely vaporized and can no longer be used. Considering that each pack only uses about .2 or .3, this makes me very, very happy.
My DBV has solved basically every problem for me that I used to have with smoking. I no longer have to worry about my room smelling like smoke. It uses way less product. WAY less. In that sense, buying a vape makes sense financially. Most importantly, though, I simply feel better now that I'm not smoking anymore. Even though I've only been vaping for two weeks, my lungs already feel about 10x better than they did. I couldn't be any happier with my investment. Sooner or later I plan on sending them a testimonial.
PS, sorry for the lengthy post. There were just too many good things to say about DBV I guess hehe