i can`t access, does anyone has similar problem?
GreenWizard said:i can`t access, does anyone has similar problem?
majorpayne66 said:GreenWizard said:i can`t access, does anyone has similar problem?
Yes, It says "Reported attack site". I use Firefox and this seems to be a common problem with buddah's site. I have been trying to order parts all week.
Anyone have the fix ?
cluffy said:2clicker said:hiddenfortress said:Hi. Should the wand be removed from the heater between hits, if you're using DBV solo? I have mine turned to about 1pm; I've been taking the wand out after each hit, but that seems like a pain. If it's just sitting in there without air being pulled through, is it still vaporizing, and so wasting THC? Any advice is appreciated.
i think that depends on your preferred temp. when used at the higher end you have to be careful not to burn your herb. for some reason i have found my setting to be too hot sometimes when the wand is left in for more than a few hits. but when i use it at a lower temp its seems ok. i subscribe to the method of starting at a low temp and turning the heat up as i get less potent hits.
but im also a firm believer in a good stir. when using my DBV solo i usually hit it 2 or 3 times and then stir. as it goes on ill stir between hits as the temp goes up.
This is why I prefer and recommend the ssv type HC with a mini-whip. Stir it up every time and no twisty turny in and out with the GG... I had issues with the hands free when I left it for too long. With the miniwhip it's always ready to go, but then I'm a hands-on type of guy...
i find the GonG connection to be a bonus. i have found that after some use with the GonG wand/HC you can almost wear down the connecting surfaces. for example when i first got my DBV it was very easy for the wand to get stuck as the GonG connection was new. i turn the bowl alot when hitting it and i think i have worn down the ground glass surface making it just a bit smoother. this makes turning it while hitting it easier and it also allows for hands free use when needed. i have noticed no loss of friction when the wand is inserted intentionally for hands free use.
hiddenfortress said:I need to find a stand to hold the wand when I need to put it down for a few minutes; at some point I'm sure to spill the herb!
northlane said:whats up with Vapeworld?
northlane said:whats up with Vapeworld?
northlane said:also does anyone know if the packaging would be discreet through ebay? its kinda a concern
ShadowLink12 said:northlane said:whats up with Vapeworld?
Vapeworld is the best IMO, here is their blog post from yesterday explaining why they still haven't shipped yet.
Wait it out, these guys are the best site I have ever dealt with.
hiddenfortress said:i find the GonG connection to be a bonus. i have found that after some use with the GonG wand/HC you can almost wear down the connecting surfaces. for example when i first got my DBV it was very easy for the wand to get stuck as the GonG connection was new. i turn the bowl alot when hitting it and i think i have worn down the ground glass surface making it just a bit smoother. this makes turning it while hitting it easier and it also allows for hands free use when needed. i have noticed no loss of friction when the wand is inserted intentionally for hands free use.
Thanks everyone for your wand advice. I've been mostly taking it out between hits, except at the beginning when it's still warming up. I need to find a stand to hold the wand when I need to put it down for a few minutes; at some point I'm sure to spill the herb!
Worked out great... Thanks!2clicker said:Pappy said:Time to replace my silicone whip tube. Would someone please post the proper inner and outer dimensions for the DBV whip and suggest an economical tubing outlet. Hate to be so lazy but there are so many brands (and I am a pothead)
1/2" OD - 3/8" ID
i think going straight through 7th Floor is the best. i say this because ive still yet to find the exact tubing they are using. everything i have found so far is not up to par with their tubing.
at less than a buck a foot its not marked up that bad.
northlane said:i called vapeworld today and i wanted to make a return but then they sold me the silver surfer for 180, which was only 20 more than what i was payin for da buddha, so i just went with that. should arrive tuesday.![]()
hiddenfortress said:After almost two weeks with DBV, I'm totally sold. Great vapor! I have a question about the cord: I understand how ten feet could come in handy,; normally, though, I'm using it within a couple of feet of a plug. Is it alright to leave a little of the cord wrapped around the bottom, well away from the heating element? I usually have the vape on for only 1/2 hour or 45 minutes at a time, but want to make sure I'm not harming the cord with even the little bit of heat released by the cover. Thanks.
kaelalto said:Hi everyone, this forum/thread was really helpful when I was shopping around for Vapes! I got my Da Buddha a couple weeks ago off of ebay (new), and I was super excited for it since I'm a singer and really needed a less vocally detrimental way to enjoy marijuana.
That being said, I just can't seem to get the hang of my DBV. The first time I used it was with four people total, and it worked like a champ. we had it turned to around 1 o'clock I think, and we all got at least two good hits. But since then, I have not been able to duplicate the results.
I never pack the bowl more than a 1/4, ground and lightly pressed with the glass end of the pokey thing, and what happens is that after letting it heat up at highest temp, I turn it down to noon, and take a long, slow hit. I wont get any vapor, so I'll turn it up a bit, wait a minute, inhale again, and still nothing. The herb is changing colors a little bit, which leads me to believe we're getting tiny hits, but nothing like what has been described by most of you DBV lovers in this forum. I've also been stirring after every couple "hits" to make sure its vaping evenly. To get a good hit, I have to start with a fresh bowl and have the temp at at least 2:30, which is too hot because it darkens the herb right away and gets one good hit and then nothing at all on subsequent inhales. The whole experience lasts less than 10 minutes, and the really confusing thing is that the weed is going darkish brown, but I'm not getting high, and I know it's not the weed because I've smoked it with great results.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, and I can't find any good demo videos online of what a good vape is supposed to look like, so I've got no comparison. My roommate is getting pissed off because she could just as easily smoke the weed we're using and actually get high, while I have my vocal health to worry about.Suggestions?
I don't disagree with Cluffy... But before you spend $50 you don't absolutely need to try filling the wand a half or tad more and suck on the whip to pack it. Make sure the DBV is pre heated. Insert the wand and wait a few seconds. Then Sip the whip until you see vapor, slowly then faster. I get super milky hits @ 12 - 2 o'clock with a standard wand that way every day, about 12 rips on .3g.cluffy said:kaelalto said:Hi everyone, this forum/thread was really helpful when I was shopping around for Vapes! I got my Da Buddha a couple weeks ago off of ebay (new), and I was super excited for it since I'm a singer and really needed a less vocally detrimental way to enjoy marijuana.
That being said, I just can't seem to get the hang of my DBV. The first time I used it was with four people total, and it worked like a champ. we had it turned to around 1 o'clock I think, and we all got at least two good hits. But since then, I have not been able to duplicate the results.
I never pack the bowl more than a 1/4, ground and lightly pressed with the glass end of the pokey thing, and what happens is that after letting it heat up at highest temp, I turn it down to noon, and take a long, slow hit. I wont get any vapor, so I'll turn it up a bit, wait a minute, inhale again, and still nothing. The herb is changing colors a little bit, which leads me to believe we're getting tiny hits, but nothing like what has been described by most of you DBV lovers in this forum. I've also been stirring after every couple "hits" to make sure its vaping evenly. To get a good hit, I have to start with a fresh bowl and have the temp at at least 2:30, which is too hot because it darkens the herb right away and gets one good hit and then nothing at all on subsequent inhales. The whole experience lasts less than 10 minutes, and the really confusing thing is that the weed is going darkish brown, but I'm not getting high, and I know it's not the weed because I've smoked it with great results.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, and I can't find any good demo videos online of what a good vape is supposed to look like, so I've got no comparison. My roommate is getting pissed off because she could just as easily smoke the weed we're using and actually get high, while I have my vocal health to worry about.Suggestions?
Once again I have to recommend an ssv-type HC from 7th floor and a mini whip from vapor bros. I had trouble with the herb getting toasted when I left the hands free wand in too long. The mini whip will work with Da Buddha's original HC but with the ssv-type it ROCKS! A wandful of herb the size of a chick pea is good for at least 10 hits, more if you increase the temp. Plus it's easier to stir between hits which I feel is key. Here are the posts with links:
I know it sucks spending another $50 but it's definitely worth it.