wutgwon said:
Yesterday the inevitable happened, a first time vaper blew back some bud into the heater!

I waited for it to cool down, took off the heater cover, then turned it upside-down to remove all the remaining stuff. Now there's a little black mark on the heater. How do I clean it, if it's possible to clean the ceramic part?
I was wondering about this, I know some people prefer not too have metal in their air path, but wouldn't a screen like the one in the Extreme (Elbow Screen, Dome Shaped) fit into the wand end?
I am guessing that the whip for this vape is the same size as the elbow piece of the Extreme? if so their little dome screen should fit. This would prevent herb hitting the heating element if accidently blown into.
And you wouldn't have too worry about the screen getting all gunked up because it is positioned before the herb in the air path.
My boss has stopped using his VaporBros whip with his VB, and now uses his spare Extreme whip and cyclone bowl on his VB. The reason behind this is he is tired of herb falling down against the heating part. The Cyclone bowl adds a screen before and holds it away from the HE. So I am working under the assumption that the DBV might use a 18mm piece as well, if so, the dome screen could potentially fit.
now I am not saying that is something that should be done full time, just whenever you have someone over who isn't used too using the DBV. Nice too have the assurance that herb wont be blown into the heating element.