You can replace the HC at just purchased a new silver da Buddha from vapefiend and the heater cover is aligned low to the hole in the aluminium housing. Just like nealcassidy has.
Looks like something went wrong in a recent manufacturing run...
Also, no clue what the little grey sponge pill thing that came with it is for.
you can lift the HC a bit on it's base.
Some units do not have clips...
or the clips (pieces of wire screwed to floor of unit that keep the HC tight)
If not you can work with shims
Slide it up on the cylinder it is on, being certain that you have more than 1/2 of cylinder still covered.
If not secure, you use shims... small slivers of cylindrical pieces that you fit between the HC and the base.
7th Floor LLC has these.
If you want a couple, Message me privately and I will take care of it.
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