The following is written by a vaporizer newcomer, so take it FWIW.
I've had the Da Buddha for about two weeks now and, although I don't have anything new to add (sorry!), i will say that the Da Buddha has yet another satisfied customer for the following reasons:
In short, I am finding it to be solid, reliable, quick to warm up and have good temperature control. I don't know that I'd regularly use it all day because it's not the best with conservation - but it's not bad either! Packing it 1/4 full, and being of low tolerance, I've been finding it lasting for a good long while as long if I stir. It doesn't last as long as with my Underdog but it sure as heck lasts longer than combustion, I tell you what!

I generally use an Underdog vaporizer hooked to a Silika Mini Bubbler, the Clear Hammer, during the day (for all you rookies on a budget who have sensitive throats or who just find water filtration to be "healthier," I'll just say I have found this setup to be very effective, medically and conservation-wise, and easy to keep inconspicuous) and use the ABV in the Da Buddha at a higher temp with a little kief from the ol' pollen box (if you don't have one of these then get one because you'll be surprised at how many crystals you lose every time you handle your herb!) and that will get me through the night, which really saves on medicine if you're short on funds or if herb is hard to come by in your state. I'm not sure what I'll use the post-DBV ABV for yet... However, I also find using the DBV all day to be quite pleasant too, and if you don't need to be obsessivly conservative with your herb, you could use it all day regularly and be fine.
The 10 foot cord is nice too because I can carry it out to the porch, medicate, release the vapor all outside, then go back in. No vapor smell in the house, other than on me a little. And the screens are really easy to change too. Honestly, I don't have any complaints whatsoever at this point.
I have not had any problems with spilling herb or with the wand falling out or anything like that. As long as you're the slightest bit functional at the time, nothing like that should happen with this vape, IMO. Of course, that doesn't keep me from having a thick towel under the wand when it's in.
I was fortunate enough to get one of the red ones merely because silver was out of stock, and it is "frickin' awesome!" The black and silver are nice, but the red one really pops. Frankly, it's pretty darn sexy in a simplistic way. A chick magnet, really. Definitely one you'll want to show off. There's a pic of it just further up the page...
At any rate, if you can get a silver one for less than $200, I'd say it's really worth it, especially with the cool bag it comes with which I've already used to bring it to a friend's. I've been using it with an Aqua Vape and that's worked out pretty well if you're trying to be a little more subtle - the standard size Aqua Vape is pretty tiny, FWIW - or if you want a glass piece that fits nicely into the bag that you can cart around. The Aqua Vape might be a bit overpriced, but if you can get it on sale it can also be pretty handy, although kind of a pain to clean.
All in all, I think the Da Buddha is a really safe purchase that will really last and won't disappoint. It just seems like a great starter vape - not too flashy, just nice and reliable and well-built. No, it's not the best vape out there, perhaps, but it's really nice at a decent price. If you're leaning toward it, I'd say go for it if you're looking for a whip vape that's not forced - or get the SSV if you can afford it and want the spherical glass. I wanted the ground glass because I have friends using it and I like being able to have the wand held steady so only the mouthpiece has to be moved around. But if it's just for yourself, I'd say get the SSV.
But I'm very glad I got the DBV. Fits my needs perfectly, and although I still want other vapes (I'm looking at YOU, Cloud!

) , I'm glad I'm going to have this one around!