Will be interested to see how the herbal adaptation turns out, might be well worth investment if it pans out well. I don't have a huge access to oils and concentrates right now but in the future that will change thankfully.
When using the d nail is there a huge difference in terms of taste doing dabs and the lime at lower temps, closer to vaporisation? Do these kits generally include everything needs to start with including carb cap etc?
Hi there, thank you for so patiently awaiting my response!
There is a massive taste difference at lower temps. This is as true of Ti as it is of Quartz and even SiC (although the latter tastes somewhat better at what would normally be unreasonably high temps). The reason that enails are so much more useful than torch nails is because it allows us to be sure of that perfect low temp dab every time
The kits are not priced including a carb cap nor your choice of nail. However you have options to add these things at a discounted price from what you would pay just buying them all at separate items. I recommend the D-nail universal carb 2.0 for any of the ti or SiC offerings for enails. The quartz carbs are best for the quartz nails (pukinbeagle that is, never tried the Darkcrystal ones myself).
Glad to hear you will have access to concentrates soon

It is a great thing to have indeed my friend!
I have good news: I just hit the d-nail herb nail for the maybe 20th time, and really have enjoyed it. It is not a fool-proof anyone can use it no holds bar cloud and flavor machine. Still; a fellow vaporist tells me it tastes like the Vapexhale cloud and I believe it, I've never tasted anything as good as this, it tastes better than the Mighty!!!!! In my experience, this is the tastiest vape I've used yet.
However, it may look sorta like a glass sub, but it is most certainly not like the sub to hit.
You cannot hit the herb nail with a super hard draw like you would on the sub. The hot air goes through the material way too quickly and it doesn't vaporize.
Also, if you jack the temp up too high, you will for sure get hotspots or combustion (like the E-nano/LSV, actually the kind of draw that works best is the same kinda draw best on these vapes). If you fill the bowl too full you'll also get hotspots coz part of the load is too close to the heater (imagine a load in the Mighty/Crafty, that's maybe too much, I've not weighed my bowls but I would guess .1-.2 maybe is an ideal load size). Too small of a load and you won't get bluewall.
Yes bluewall... this thing gives tasty, tasty effortless bluewall. Yup, I would call it whitewall but for herb vapes I believe that term should be mostly reserved for the sublimator lol. The vapor seems to be more blue (but super thick and satisfying, this is not thin vapor, there is no see-through part of the piece). No real draw resistance to speak of for those wondering.
For those who want huge, satisfying hits with a leisurely slow pull and IMO unparalleled taste, the flower adapter is great. Remember though that if you wanna do huge hard fast draws like you might on a Sub or Mighty, this is probably not the vape for you. I did burn myself pretty badly on the glass stand that I had a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hot heater sitting upon (this is before I realized slow pull is important) but otherwise, I regret nothing!
Guess who is using flowers a little more again everybody!? lol
I have the analog d-nail before I purchased my terpz enail. Both Work great. See no difference between the analog and digital once you get it dialed in.
Definitely brother, basically if you get the temp right, you should have no problems regardless of the controller you use
The best cheap digital enail that is d-nail compatible seems to be the $70
Auber RDK-200. I've been considering the nicer looking (only extra feature is auto shut off ) $180
The terpz unit looks nice, especially if you actually want to use the quartz nail, but if you are going to get the SiC nail anyway, you still have to buy a flat coil, and the SiC nail.
I just want some nerds to get all over this and make me a smart nail already. Bluetooth and schedules and stuff.
@herbivore21 I am curious if you have ever tried the VaporBrothers VB2 or VB2.5 and if so between that or a SiC d-nail, which would you recommend? The VB2.5 looks sick as hell, but I imagine functionally they (VB2.5s Silicon Nitride and the D-Nails Silicon Carbide) are fairly similar.
Actually, I for one don't want smart enails. I am not interested in using any mmj device that uses wireless networking standards since this to me seems more like a security liability, living in a prohibition jurisdiction. Still, I can confirm that not everybody agrees with me and you will have some options emerging that I believe will be to your liking in the not too distant future
I haven't used the VB2 and won't because I live a long way from the manufacturer and as good as I have seen them to be helping customers (quite good actually!), I have been led to understand that these units seem to have failures quite frequently which require return shipping. That makes this out of the question for me. The VB 2.5 however looks great, and I hear runs very well. I'd love to try one someday, but silicon nitride would be much the same tasting as SiC I'm sure, they are similarly inert ceramics with similar properties (but SiN is not so heat resistant and releases harmful ammonia offgas if it degrades due to heat - this shouldn't be an issue in the VB 2.5 except in the case of some kind of serious malfunction which nobody has yet experienced and is more a consideration for torch nails than enails, since the temps that SiN start to degrade are higher than any sane person would set an enail heater).
If you asked me, I would recommend the SiC unless you specifically need to protect yourself from burning yourself by accidentally touching an enail (or protect children or pets from the same).
The VB 2.5 does benefit from the lack of metal heating element too but is way more expensive (and way more expensive than a d-nail product, as we know, is fucking expensive!), and when connected to a non hydratube piece has a much longer airpath using the VB 2.5 all glass adapter which creates additional space for your errl to recondense before getting into your airways (more reclaim, less high if you are doing super low temp dabs).
IMO unless you absolutely cannot compromise on having a hot enail exposed because of your own safety/pets/children, I don't think the additional expense is justified. Still, it is ultimately your decision to weigh up the pros and cons