You are welcome to your opinion, my experience with vaporizing has taught me differently. Any one who cooks can value a consistent heating temperature. Vaporizing concentrates bears very little resemblance to cooking a meal.
Exactly, because the thermocouple is accurately measuring the temperature drop of the dish and responding to the detected load by increasing its output.
Do you understand the construction of the heating coil and thermocouple? Do you understand the value of measuring the temperature of the dabbing surface to allow the PID controller to function properly instead of measuring the temperature of the heatsink while the dish on the other side drops in temperature significantly before the heatsink's mass cools down enough for the PID to detect a change in temperature before it can increase heat to transfer the heat back through the heatsink material into the dish?
Have you used a thermocouple to measure the dish's ∆T during a dab with both heat sink placements to compare the response in temperature? Having tried both, and felt how much hotter the 14mm male joint and heat sink were with the coil in direct contact with the heat sink than with the heater retainer between the sink and coil, and judging by how much lower temperature I can dab at, and pull more pulls off a given sized dab, I am quite comfortable placing my SiC dish directly atop my flat coil

(I would not suggest the same for a Sapphire halo due to how easily the Halo could become over tightened leading to a broken dish).