jimbo said:
Very nice gear you got Professor

, noticed you have a Migrant triple disc in your sig, just wondering what your impressions are of that tube? Been thinking of
picking one up some time in the new year...
It's a great version of a classic. At $250 new, its a great deal. At the right water level there is little chug, but you can chug it by putting more water. The diffusion feels good. It's also a good tube to use with an AC because of the minimal drag.
Nice glass btw. How is the vertigo mini? I've been wanting one since I saw them. Where'd you pick it up?
stonemonkey55 said:
I wanted to get your feedback on the U-Perc. I have one of the HiSi's as well and I feel like it is a design that is often overlooked. Great diffusion, very little splash -- could be a HydraTube candidate in the future...
Sorry, haven't had time to keep up with all the posts in that thread. I love the u-perc design. Its a varient of a showercap that works well and probably cheaper to produce. It pulls extremely smooth and has exceptional flow. I agree, it is overlooked and would make a great hydratube.
In my opinion, it actually doesn't filter much. I judge filtration by the reduction and "cleaning" of the initial flavor. The hisi lets me taste everything, good and bad. You can call it a tasters tube ;-)