Bouldorado said:
Also @ p v, it's not actually logo-less, that picture manages to almost completely hide it.
That piece is so classy though! Normally when I see SGW stuff they have their logo thrown randomly somewhere on the can, and I never like it. It often looks rushed and not well thought out at all. That placement is perfect, it's tasteful and organized and the piece in general looks clean and well done. I would snag that piece in a heartbeat Bouldorado so yeah, nice pick up. Thanks for the video as well: the gear perc hits pretty much exactly the way I was expecting and it looks like a great amount of diffusion for oils or vapor (IMO at least)!
@SkollIstKrieg thanks for the input, and I think I'm in agreement. I recently had the opportunity to try my Matrix and Reti side by side with some of the same oil, and while the Matrix was a little too much diffusion still (for me), I did like the way it hit with the oil better than the Reti (the purr vs. the glug). The Reti is definitely perfect for vapor though

I find I get way more taste running the same vapors through the Reti vs. the Matrix, and the chugginess of the Reti actually helps produce vapor (IME, and I'm sure others would argue + I'm sure it's dependant on the actual vaporizer you're using). So I'm thinking the Matrix is going to become a dedicated oiler and the Reti a dedicated vapor unit! Also...dude...I would LOVE to see cIRclE HTs!!! That's awesome. Probably a pipe dream but hey who knows, Mobius is definitely based out of Cali so maybe they're on the radar for VXC??? Here's hoping! I have yet to try a Mobius Zero Drag perc and I'd really like to some day

Been looking at picking up a Zero Drag Nano but it's still a little big for my liking. Plus you're totally right; to make an HT they'd basically just need to make a nano tube with some type of joint instead of the beaker bottom. Too cool!
@Pappy: I feel like I've seen those pieces before...

Haha seriously though that is some sick glass. I really like most of the Philpots I've seen (oilers especially) and those slightly worked/tinted glass accents are really tasteful IMO.
@Mr. Smoke No More: Isn't that one of the great things about glass though? It's like art or music or any other passion in a way...everyone has their own preferences and opinions, and the fact that there is a lot of variety on offer is a good thing! Not every piece will be for every person for sure, but likely there is someone who will appreciate it. That being said there is definitely some science involved and some pieces will simply function better than others. I will say I think you may be right about the performance of the large Philpot...seems like you'd need to hit it pretty hard to really get the thing chugging. Keep in mind it may not be as big as it looks in that pic though. Most of the Philpots I've seen are beyond small and pictures can be deceptive. I would also love to see a video, simply because you don't see many videos featuring Philpot's work! Also Pappy makes great videos, so why not

What say you Pappy?
ilovebOObs said:
hey guys hope you can help me out. thinking of grabbing a new piece, i'm currently looking at a mobius ion matrix or the mobius stereo matrix. which one would be better for vapor?
You may want to look into this a little the Ion Matrix and the Stereo Matrix are very, very different things. They have the same percs yes but the Ion volume is way smaller, the actual size of the Matrix perc in the Ion is smaller than regular Matrix percs (It's about half the size) and the Stereo is a DOUBLE Matrix, as the name implies. So by these calculations, and presuming you were actually able to use the percs at 100% functionality (ie. getting all the holes to diffuse vapor, which you almost certainly will not be able to do) the Stereo Matrix offers approximately 4 times the diffusion offered by the Ion. As Pappy suggested, the Stereo is a lot more pipe than the Ion... IMO the Ion Matrix is good for vapor but has almost too much diffusion (keeping in mind that my personal opinion is less diffusion for vapor is a good thing). I think that the Stereo Matrix would probably be overkill for everyday vaping, both in the total volume of the piece and the amount of diffusion provided