hi guys, i'm in amsterdam this week and i want to buy a crafty from azarius shop and i have a few question before i purchase the beast:
-what chance do i have that the crafty in azarius store are the 2015 release with improved firmware and moulding? (vapefiend say this on his website)
-if the firmware version is obsolete, can i upgrade the crafty via app? or the firmware remain the same forever?
-with the crafty can i have this kind of session: a few puff at 170C, another few puff at boost time 185, then shut off the crafty and set via app 195 and 210 for a maximum extraction second session?
-what is the best method for hash? i don't want to do a sandwitch with herb because i want the full flavour of the hash with no herb taste contamination.
it is the only method for hash without doing a mess?! and at what temp do i have to vape? 210C?
i never bought concentrate in amsterdam, but with the crafty i wanna try this expensive delice, but i have no experience...what are the tyse of concentrate right for the crafty? iceolator? other type?
little pieces on top of the oil pad correct? and what temperature do i have to use? the max temp 210 C?
sorry for my poor english but i'm italian

and thanks in advance guys!