Well-Known Member
In going to be hated saying this, but reading reports here, seems LOTS of people abused their policies, and for a post of something almost OK here, maybe there were 10 lurkers who sent Craftys in just to have fw updated or for a broken fin.hello all. been lurking since november or so. thanks for all the knowledge and advice everyone has shared (i’ve read the volcano, mighty, and crafty threads).
i fucked combustion 4 years ago and have tried many different vaporizers along the way. i drive a solid valve volcano daily. used to travel with pax or firefly (hated both for different reasons). i got a crafty in november and fell in love with the extraction (and flavor) instantly. it’s the only portable that was able to get me to the level i want, how i want it. thats been my go to travel vape since.
i am here now to warn fellow crafty owners that their time to get a 'cheap' mighty upgrade is running out or may be over.
my unit CY0014XX, bought in november, crapped out last week (2.04 firmware and just under 40 hours of use). i emailed S&B and got a shipping label emailed to me. i sent over my packaged up crafty and asked for a mighty upgrade in a letter i sent with the unit.
a few days later, i got an email with this invoice attached:
this was my first crafty return not my second like stated on invoice. they also messed up and put a crafty instead of a mighty on the invoice.
i called. they told me there was a new return/exchange policy in place. i politely responded that i was a long term customer as well as an early adopter of the crafty and wanted a $30 upgrade like my 'friend' (thanks FC) received a few weeks ago. i told them i did not appreciate the different care i was receiving, and hoped they would make an exception for me since it was only a recent policy change. the agent said he needed to talk to others at headquarters and call me back. after 3 hours of waiting i got the call. they would upgrade me for $50 since i was one of the first customers to buy a crafty (november). $50 not $30 he said. sounded like a special one time thing. so i took them up on their offer, paid over the phone, and just got notice of shipment from them. agent confirmed i was getting the new housing without me even asking about it. he was proud of it. said no more cracking or issues from overheating.
what to take from this? i got lucky. you better try now if you want to do what i did. and it appears our $400 or the $340 they are now, are only worth $100 in S&B's eyes after a few months of light use.
not sure if i would have had to pay the whole $240 to get my crafty back if i didn’t get an early adopter upgrade. i had to sell hard to get my mighty deal. they weren’t budging at first.
i must add, and end with, that the S&B customer service today really took care of me and had my back with upper management. my agent was the man. he should get a raise.
i am excited to get my mighty.
If I was S&B I would have done the same thing.