Aproaching 100hrs and mine still operates pretty much flawlessly. I've never had a hiccup really. Just timed my battery. 2:29 to 180c with a loaded chamber.
There are some rules I follow that may or may not help. I have no technical knowledge in the area so feel free, if you do, to tell me that you doubt one or more of these make a difference. If it helps in no way whatsoever, I might as well stop doing it.
1.) I try to always charge after every session. Occasionally I don't for various reasons. But 9 out of ten times, crafty gets charged after each use.
2.) it's inconvenient I admit, but I wait 10 to 15 minutes to plug in the charger. Until the battery has cooled some. I have read people express caution about charging hot batteries. I don't know if they are right about this so I have always chose the cautious side.
3.) No pass through charging. I've never used it. Again, same reason as above. When the product was new I heard people express caution in this area, so I decided to just not use it until the issue was more settled. So I have never passed through while using my crafty.
4.) My crafty does make forays out into the real world with me from time to time, but it's mostly just my home portable vape. But even outside, I live in a very mild geographical location. ( coast of Washington state. ) generally speaking, my unit does not experience much in the way of temperature extremes while being used. Hot or cold.
5.) This is one I'd love to hear from a expert on. When my solo was my main vape, I had a odd bug I found in its charger. If I unplugged the cord from the wall, while it was still plugged into the solo, it would space the solo unit out and it wouldn't perform right until you let it sit for about an hour. Then in some way it must have reset itself and it would be fine. If you unplugged the unit first, then the cord, you were fine. Well of course this became a odd habit out of caution with all my vapes. I always unplug the vape first, then the cord from the wall.
*Edit* 6.) After writing this I realized there is a 6th factor worth mentioning. And I'm sure plenty of you will not like hearing it. This may be something that improves battery life, but also the health of your unit in general.
*I don't boost. *
Almost ever. Sometimes when I'm water filtering. Occasionally. But most the time I pretty much keep it right on the default. For me, it seems to work nearly as well for visible vapor, is more comfortable, and I really think the Crafty has some parallels to the Pinnacle Pro DLX vape. Until I used the Crafty the PnP was the best vape I had ever used for vape production and quality. It's problem was that it just could not handle its own heat. It literally just slowly disentigrated as you used it. It was very frustrating.
I don't think the crafty is as fragile as the PnP, but when I read story's about pieces of the body falling off the Crafty, it sounds a lot like the things I read on PnP forums.
I'm not saying for sure that using the crafty at higher temps is the foundation for everyone's trouble, I am however, saying that if you can satisfy yourself using a lower temp, I would guess it would be better for the long term health of your $400 dollar vape. That was incentive enough for me to keep it on the default. And really guys, SnB did do at least SOME testing, it may be they picked 180c as the default for more of a reason than just your personal comfort. They may be well aware that their product lasts longer by not using the high end temps. Just my opinion here.
That's it I think. I feel lucky to have mine going strong aproaching 100 hrs when I have read of so many others stories. Did I just get a great unit? Maybe. Probably. But this is the way I have charged. Maybe it will help, maybe it won't. Your call.