I was a great fan of the Hunters in their early years and saw them live many times. It seems that geographically specific music often has geographic restrictions. Thanks for finding an alternative.
Snakefinger had a heart attack in Melbourne after playing The Spot in an encore (it was a great show) and the drummer of Hunters & Collectors, who was also a doctor, give him CPR at the side of the stage.
Snakefinger : "Live at Melbourne"
Yeah, that's why copypasta'ing the file title above the vid is always recommended... makes it super easy to search for in other regions, but only a few of us do it, unfortunately....
Interesting music and story...
We had a local (his town growing up bordered mine) musician,
Mark Sandman, of '
Morphine' fame that suffered a similar fate a number of years later, but on stage... super sad, the both of them, but can you get any more "Rock n Roll"...? From
"Sandman collapsed on stage on July 3, 1999, at the Giardini del Principe in
Lazio, Italy while performing with Morphine. His death, at the age of 46, was the result of a
heart attack. His death has been attributed to heavy stress and the temperature of over 99 °F (37 °C) on the night of his death."
Maybe you remember this "hit"...?:
Morphine - Honey White (Official Music Video)
Always liked this tune... still do!