Well as I said, I'm not a cannabis concentrate expert by any means so there may be some specific issue with some extracts of which I'm unaware of, but in general I would have thought the biggest problem (beyond the aesthetics, and maybe ease of handling) is the separating out of some of the components of the mixture causing an imbalanced profile where too much of some terpenoids and too little of others gives a different experience than it should. In itself that needn't be bad, but it wouldn't be repeatable, just a random 'pot-luck' (pun intended) each time you take a sample to use.
I would expect a live extract or something approaching that to suffer from this more if only due to the more complex profile as more active and semi-active compounds would be included. Also more likely to be unpredictable in how it behaves over time, such as little 'pools' of liquid embedded in 'solid', or some compound crystallising and acting like a sponge to another's liquid component, etc. etc.
Usually best if it can be nicely homogenised and consistent.
But I'd be fascinated to know of something more specific and unusual going on with this if anyone here can enlighten?