You can start between 500-550, I don't recommand you to go beyond 600 to preserve the taste of your expensive concentrates, I use myself 520 and sometime dab as low as 490, after that's all a matter of personnal preferences! Whow Sapphire is the best material to deal with, maybe I'm wrong with the temp cause I never used sapphire, I have myself a sic dish. Yes , both ends of a q-tip might do the job, I don't use necesseraly iso every time but distilled water and iso sometimes.Hello folks! Super new to all of this but thinking of getting the T Bucket and trying concentrates since I already have the WeedEater. Curious where to begin with all of this? What temperature to use? How to clean the sapphire dish(I hear two Qtips between hits is apparently the move, but if thats true I’m not sure how often folks are soaking in alcohol and such for a deep clean)?
You can start between 500-550, I don't recommand you to go beyond 600 to preserve the taste of your expensive concentrates, I use myself 520 and sometime dab as low as 490, after that's all a matter of personnal preferences! Whow Sapphire is the best material to deal with, maybe I'm wrong with the temp cause I never used sapphire, I have myself a sic dish. Yes , both ends of a q-tip might do the job, I don't use necesseraly iso every time but distilled water and iso sometimes.
And stoners...fuck pritsie fragile gems, if I wanted a hassle-filled life I would buy a European sports car....for dabbing 20 to 30 times a day I need reliability and easy maintenance and that means SiC.I also recommend SiC for beginners.
I guess my last question on that then is how do folks really know SiC is safe to be inhaling off of? Just looking it up It looks like the process for making it is toxic but the assumption is that once it’s done being made it’s no longer toxic. I guess how do we really know it’s no longer toxic and safe to use for dabbing?
Excuse you, I was smoking out of an apple since they’re organic and non-toxicJesus, and we used to smoke weed out of a flattened soda can.
How'd it go? What are your thoughts on the process, the resin you got, the whole vibe? Did it do for you what you were hoping it would?
ok so here are my first two concentrate purchases ever. How’d I do? They’re both Cosmic Live Resin - Super Lemon and Purple Medusa
I’ll be taking this all for a spin tonight and report back! Wanted to wait for the weekend firstHow'd it go? What are your thoughts on the process, the resin you got, the whole vibe? Did it do for you what you were hoping it would?
Ok guys, just took my first dab and am reporting back! My TL;DR: Wow. I’m using the T-Bucket from NewVape with the sapphire dish and I’m pretty blown away. Compared to vaping flower, I think the taste and smoothness are the two things that probably stand out the most.
Going into this, I kinda just assumed dabbing was going to be a pretty similar experience to regular flower in that the taste would be similar, harshness similar (or worse with dabs) and the high would just be way more intense with dabs. I was wrong.
The taste feels like the purist that weed can taste. Like if you distilled out all the impurities from the flower. The smoothness was also pretty incredible. I know you can take “hot dabs” but I think this is where the NewVape shines because it keeps the temperature at the exact right range and I didn’t cough at all or have any soreness in my throat afterwards. Last, I took a pretty small dab as to control my high and it worked wonders. I’ve only had one dab bowl with a pretty small amount and I am just as high as I want to be. Not too intense but still very blazed. It’s good to know you really can control the high to your liking pretty easily I feel.
In summary, this is dangerously fun lol. Just to touch on a couple other points: cleaning was super easy. I got glob mops (just fancy qtips) and used a couple of them per dab and they cleaned it up like 99% of the way as a lot of folks mentioned. Actually taking the hit was super straight forward and ran into no issues (very similar to just smoking a bowl). I am excited for the journey ahead!
Another member of the SAPPHIRE CLUB.
What temperature have you done your early hits on? Is this a Auber PID?
yes it’s the Auber PID! I’m dabbing at 530 from a recommendation here from another member with a sapphire dish. What about you?
My Vaporbrothers 2 (VB2) stopped working after 7 straight years.
I sent it to be studied.
Dabbing's hard since I have double vision... I do use pens often though.....
I remembered an old tool of mine, and wondered why I ever stopped using it, because it's great!
Takes a touch of technique, but is easy.
Flavor is pure.
Take as big a hit or small as you desire.....
Anyone remember these?
You know, I have trouble with using concentrates on my enail (DiTanium) because I can have bad manual dexterity and vision issues as well. I just... miss, sometimes. How do you know when your dab-straw (is that what that is?) is hot enough to vape without combusting?