Frederick McGuire
Aggressively Loungey
That birdhouse I posted above came today 
I did a few small dabs of some oil I just made from saved ISO I used to clean all my vapes etc.
It worked quite well.
I didn't get any vapor leaking away unless I stopped pulling, and I didn't get any oil leaking down the inside.
It's probably not the best for big dabs, as I could see you losing oil inside it if you put too much in that little lip/dish, but for me it works well
Also, I think this one might actually be a left-handed one, as the lip has a very slight tilt to it, which makes it a little bit better for a leftie...
Its still perfectly usable thought
I like it, and since it has a 14mm male joint, it can easily mate with basically any piece I own

I did a few small dabs of some oil I just made from saved ISO I used to clean all my vapes etc.
It worked quite well.
I didn't get any vapor leaking away unless I stopped pulling, and I didn't get any oil leaking down the inside.
It's probably not the best for big dabs, as I could see you losing oil inside it if you put too much in that little lip/dish, but for me it works well

Also, I think this one might actually be a left-handed one, as the lip has a very slight tilt to it, which makes it a little bit better for a leftie...
Its still perfectly usable thought

I like it, and since it has a 14mm male joint, it can easily mate with basically any piece I own