How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
Again, not trying to sound too harsh but Wikipedia is not giving you the full story. A simple search of “is crazing food safe” will yield a plethora of results on the topic.The following information is from wikipedia about crackels/craquele. I have no information that crackels are not food safe or causing bacteria.
If you have any issues with your device, send us a photo or even better a video and we will check it.
"In the manufacture of ceramics, craquelure forms as a result of the different coefficients of expansion of the base material and glaze during firing; in particular, the Raku ceramics produced in Japan have corresponding surfaces.
With light tin/lead glazes (such as the basic glaze for majolica or faience) which are barely visible after firing, the hairline cracks fill up with darker particles over time and thus become more and more visible. Dark and opaque glazes, such as the "bottle green" often used for older tiled stoves, are less likely to darken the glaze cracks, and the original appearance usually remains unchanged for years.
With glazed stove tiles, which have to be particularly heat-resistant, fine cracks in the glaze are more common. This is particularly desirable for very large tile parts. This makes the ceramic more resistant to breakage due to temperature fluctuations, since the less flexible glaze can "go along" with the more expanding ceramic body.
Gemstones are artificially crackled by heating the stone and then rapidly cooling it down. The cracks can also be highlighted with a color polish."
In items where food or other such things don’t come in constant contact with the Ceramics, Crazing is fine. But in an application such as the VapBong where there’s a lot of moisture and potential for plant byproduct to seep deep into the ceramic, I question why this has been overlooked.
Also, I did post pictures here in this thread previously about my experience with the bleeding resin, and I did send a pic through the Instagram. This is what I’m talking about:
This was after soaking it in everclear and then rinsing it out in hot water. It was after it had sat for a moment that all this resin started to seep out of the side. Also my VapBong tasted and smelled of alcohol for more than a week. A lot more.
For people who might clean with iso, which is not suitable for any sort of ingestion, it could be a problem. It gets into the ceramic, and then slowly leaches back out into the users water and then to the lungs.
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