It arrived Wednesday morning. Which was a nice surprise as tracking had it in Germany still.
So I ordered the aventurine 3d not really knowing what finish that was. VAS was strong that day....
Had some pics sent by seller and it sparkled a bit.
I thought it a tad brown and a little dull and whilst I love the eccentric and bright colours normally used by collyland this one would attract less attention, needed as I have kids and non participating friends. It will blend in was my thinking.
On opening I was at first a little underwhelmed by the glaze. It was as appeared in the photos but just a little dull. Well, that's what I ordered so no one to blame..... I set it up and let in heat up.
First blast and further underwhelmed. I could taste the metal heater, was getting black spots and meh all round. I was beginning to think I had made an expensive mistake (I already have a vrod so have a powerful hitter to compare with).
Best leave it till tomorrow I thought.
Next day the metal taste had lessened and I was getting more even avb. Taste still poor but getting better.
But at around 2 pm the sun hit the vapbong full on. Bugger me but the whole bong was glistening with a million stars. It was remarkable. This effect I hadn't noticed or certainly hadn't appreciated till now. It was stunning. Suddenly I was feeling much much better about the look. Dull in shade but shine sunlight or artificial light and boom, it comes alive unlike anything I've seen before. I now think I have one of the most interesting/attractive glazes, one that only reveals its true beauty when one looks closely and in bright light. I'm so chuffed with it.
But back to the usage.
3rd day and I thought I'd have a quick hit to start the busy day off... Filled with about 300ml of clean water and heated back to 11 settling at about 10.2 to 10.4. after an hour I had a hit. And I got tasty clouds. Very tasty. Lovely..... I'm even more impressed now.
I'm sort of assuming the vape needs to settle in and maybe a coating of oil through usage has helped....
And the draw style is very different and in a good way. Much more free flowing etc etc. Much has been said better than I can. It's certainly a hard hitter if you want it to be but also handles small amounts at lower temperatures. I have much playing still to do.....
I love it and suspect my adoration will only grow with time. It is of course the only vape in use for the honeymoon period....
Much has been said on the cradling of the hallowed ball and whilst I love the whole ritual thing, I am very aware of its massive weak point. It is a big negative but it is a necessary evil if you want this vape.
The only other negative is this thing makes it very easy to consume large amounts of tasty herb. Very easy....
Anyway, some pictures that totally fail to capture the depth and beauty of this wonderful glaze. Have a good weekend folks..... I plan to!