Anyone else hear a little "crackling/click" sound coming from inside the bowl when you get a nice big first rip? I don't know if it's maybe the heater making some sort of click from a temp change (that's more likely than my theory) but when I hear it I know there is a huge exhale coming. I only ever hear it on a good first rip so I've got the high-dea that it's my weed "crackling" (think log in a fire) due to going from moist to dry so quickly but I don't know. Anyone else notice this?
I also noticed this sound only on the first hit so I think it is just the sound of weed crackling due to the huge amount of heat flowing through.
On another note, I have noticed the Vapbong is extremely harsh for my athsma and had to stop using it. Does the vapor profile have similar effects for anyone else here? I have a Volcano Hybrid and Flowerpot and both are completely comfortable for me but not the Vapbong.
Yeah I just assumed thats any bits of stem crackling, like little sticks in a fire as said.
Have not used either Volc Hybrid or flowerpot but the bandit is by far smoothest vape I have used so far with little to no irritation