Not angry in any way, just wondered if there was any movement. Last I heard he was hoping to start shipping begin of December.I do think they are quite a few, I’m on that boat tooApparently there was glass shipping problems but things seems to move on, slowly…
I think people have just set it aside in their mind and are just waiting. Well that’s how I feel, but maybe some are a bit more angry
Not angry in any way, just wondered if there was any movement. Last I heard he was hoping to start shipping begin of December.
Where is CC glass sourced?Hopefully we'll get an update soon, I think they have been just stuck in customs now...
Is it too late to pre-order?!Are there many people waiting for their pre-order?
Does anyone know why it’s taking this long?
In the store he has the Calypso on pre-order so don’t think you are too late.Is it too late to pre-order?!just found out about thier glass so trying to figure out how to get my hands on some!
Where is CC glass sourced?
Is it too late to pre-order?!just found out about thier glass so trying to figure out how to get my hands on some!
China (and they made it through customs!)
Great to hear they made it through! Really looking forward to my preorder...
I had already assumed that the pieces are made in China. I don't know anything about glass, so please forgive what may be a stupid question: What is "better" about CC's Chinese glass compared to, for example, the pieces I can buy on DHGate? Are there qualitative differences? Or is it simply mass production that leads to the significantly lower prices on DHGate? And how do CC's pieces compare to glass pieces made in the US? Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with Chinese glass - I'm genuinely interested in the differences and background, it's purely about understanding. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks a lot!
Oh, looks like my comment "China glass" got deleted. Must have missed a good show...Most glass on dhgate is sufficient to pretty good with the occasional wtf piece thrown in. Most of the American or German curated Chinese glass is good to very high quality. Most of it is production glass so it may not have the artistry or thickness of American handmade glass but the Cloud Connoisseur stuff is very nice quality and really pretty innovative or refined. I think the difference is that the mass-marketed stuff may not always be consistent in quality or build, or may even be poorly designed--it's cheap. The knock is that some shops are unafraid to sell inferior quality pieces. I feel like the term 'china glass' is pejorative but it connotes something real: cheap glass with variable quality, just as 'german glass' connotes exceptional quality, deserved or not. I'm not sure whether the Chinese glass companies the westerners contract with are just top of the line, world-quality glass makers or whether most shops can do exceptional work if necessary. I think the problem here is applying the term to CC glass, since it may suggest something untrue: that it's cheap, poorly designed, or variable in quality (it doesn't seem like this was @Texus's intent). The reality is it's great glass.
I take from the discussion that it's crucial who you work with and how you do it. Where the production takes place is secondary
Pics please!My Calypso arrived and it is BEAUTIFUL. I had to take a small pull during lunch. Function is so perfect paired with a ZX. Can't wait to have more fun with it this weekend.
Will do, just got back to the office, ugh!Pics please!
Some others can probably comment better on the specific CC glass as I only have the protege v2 with calypso on order. But I've used the vapvana big league bubbler, saml straight fab, the protégé v2 and sky glass lunar bubbler. Of what I've used with the screwball lunar is top by far, but also over $300. Big league is number 2 and I really do like it, but cleaning the mouthpiece isn't the easiet. Saml is great but I like seeing the vapor and its harder to see when using. Protégé is my least favorite. Hard initial pull, and at the water level I like (1/4" above perc) you drink water. In fact unless it's just barely over the frit I drink water.Hello! I have recently been updating all my gear for the first time in 6 or 7 years. I got a ball vape and discovered that unlike with my old dynavaps, a dimpled j hook is plenty of cooling for me if the pull is quick. I've actually ditched water filtration entirely and switched from 18mm to 14mm. I have heard about the prophet and would love one. Hopefully now that I am on FC I will figure out how to actually get one
I saw someone say in a previous post that (all?) CC glass is focused on DHV? My partner has super sensitive lungs so I thought I would look for some water filtration for her. Should I assume that all the CC wet rigs will be great for DHV and it's just a matter of picking one that I like the looks of? Or are there other things I should consider?
Maybe I could use a little help understanding water filtration better in the context of vaping. For me my lungs hurt if there is so much restriction that the pull is long and the vapor starts condensing in my lungs during the pull. Any time my lungs have hurt from vaping, running through water doesn't seem to help. With ball vapes the pull is so fast that I even hold it in for a few seconds and my lungs feel great afterwards. But so many people use water that maybe I'm missing something? Or maybe my lungs are so scarred from trying concentrates earlier this year that DHV is like nothing
If I wanted make the hit as comfortable as possible for my partner is there a particular piece of CC glass that I should be chasing? I see the calypso is available for preorder but have no idea how to pick between that and the other cc wet rigs.
Can someone give me some guidance please? Thank you!
thank you! what do you think makes the difference in the ones you like best? lots of water volume, lots of glass surface area etc? I had heard that the CC pieces were designed for dry so maybe they are too tight with water in them?Some others can probably comment better on the specific CC glass as I only have the protege v2 with calypso on order. But I've used the vapvana big league bubbler, saml straight fab, the protégé v2 and sky glass lunar bubbler. Of what I've used with the screwball lunar is top by far, but also over $300. Big league is number 2 and I really do like it, but cleaning the mouthpiece isn't the easiet. Saml is great but I like seeing the vapor and its harder to see when using. Protégé is my least favorite. Hard initial pull, and at the water level I like (1/4" above perc) you drink water. In fact unless it's just barely over the frit I drink water.
I probably hit my ball vape different then you though. I like to one hit extract, so my pulls are still pretty long and last untill I see the vapor thinning in the water piece.