@Ratchett I honestly didn't see any CCG pieces that I was interested in. Since you mentioned build quality, is Steven known for fragile or nonfunctional glass? I thought his issues were CS related, like CCG's (making people who receive broken glass order more crap to get their replacement).
CCG build quality and raw glass seems a step above my other china glass (no yellowish tint to the glass).
I have had 4 pieces from Steven - all of them have been exceptionally thick glass - but thick heavy glass doesn't mean shit if it's put together like crap. Of all 4 pieces I've had from Steven, only one of them would be on the same build quality as my other glass from Kathy0577, Yingmin5, Sunshinestore, Alina0086, and CleanClearGlass - like seriously I wish I was making this up but the build quality has always been rather "meh" to me. Issues from sloppy welds to poorly cut percs, crooked pieces, and unstable bases. Just stuff I hadn't really experienced before with any other chinese vendor, I've seen it all so far with Steven. Yes I'm sure some people have gotten excellent copies of these pieces, but I haven't really had much success
I have given Steven one more chance with the FC-711, but I'm not holding out much hope for it (I got it mainly to use as a 14mm female stand for pictures on my store, so as long as it's not broken, I'll be happy with the transaction

Customer service has been fine with every vendor I've dealt with so far. Even Steven (Jane?) was more than fair with their customer service - shipping me a replacement FC-UFOv2 without having to order anything else.