Cheap High Quality Bubbler

John Lewus

Well-Known Member
How hard is it to do a minor repair to one of these Chinese pieces and what kind of tool would I need? My FC-186 has some small glass shards coming off the bottom that I can't explain how it happened. When I do a pressure test no air escapes but if I have it filled with water and use a cloth it is damp. Their is a tiny amount of water leaking through those shards.

It seems like if I could just torch it for a few minutes and make the glass a bit soft it could be repaired but I know nothing about glass and have had no luck finding a local cheap glass blower who would just do this quick touch up without charging me more than what the piece costs new.

I don't know if this is the right thread to ask but it is in reference to one of the pieces I bought from this thread recommendation. What steps do I need to go through?
John Lewus,
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I wouldn't start at page 1 anyway - 99% of the links on this thread are dead.

There is much information to cover (including which vendors can be trusted)
You can either review the past 20-30 pages to see what models people are talking about. Or you can visit this thread which contains links and reviews to DHgate pieces:

(I encourage others to please keep that thread alive - lets continue to post pictures links and reviews in that thread, it's gone a bit stale in the past two months!)
Word. Got some new glass on its way, plan to add to the reviews. Definitely nice to have the feedback all in one place, since this thread is more of a "Today, in Chinese glass..." thread.
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John Lewus

Well-Known Member
@John Lewus Aquarium Silicone bro works wonders. One day I'll post pics of all my self repaired silicone glass!!
Kathy killed that Klein I'm surprisingly impressed!!

Thanks for the tip! Does this provide any structural Integrity or just a seal! I have a hydratube that is starting to break at a joint but not where water flows.
John Lewus,
What are the appropriate dhgate search terms for the angled adapter circled in this pic, or a u shaped adapter if possible (upright vape to fc-710 or d-020d)?

If there is no query other than "angled glass adapter," does anyone know the proper terminology? I can ask my LHS to make one if it comes to that.

As an aside, I had not noticed that the newest nectar collector had an all-clear version available, I'd only seen the color ones. Cool, as I don't care much for colored glass. I do love the color changing effects of fuming, though...
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
What are the appropriate dhgate search terms for the angled adapter circled in this pic, or a u shaped adapter if possible (upright vape to fc-710 or d-020d)?

If there is no query other than "angled glass adapter," does anyone know the proper terminology? I can ask my LHS to make one if it comes to that.

Typically when you search for angled adapters, you search by angle. Typical angles are 15, 30, 45, and 90 degree angles.

That adapter in question however looks closer to a 160-degree angle. Last year I spent a while looking around for those, couldn't really find any American blowers willing to make one for me.

Maybe try Oregon Glass Blower? (@Oregonglassblower)
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Typically when you search for angled adapters, you search by angle. Typical angles are 15, 30, 45, and 90 degree angles.

That adapter in question however looks closer to a 160-degree angle. Last year I spent a while looking around for those, couldn't really find any American blowers willing to make one for me.

Maybe try Oregon Glass Blower? (@Oregonglassblower)
I see that Gentleman vapes sells a pen specific one. I would like something simple like that for my globe pens, but totally clear. I'll look into OGB, see what some adapters might run me.


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
I see that Gentleman vapes sells a pen specific one. I would like something simple like that for my globe pens, but totally clear. I'll look into OGB, see what some adapters might run me.
Hey there. No problem at all. I can make you whatever you may need for an angled adapter. Just PM me a pic or sketch and we can talk.


Well-Known Member
Any opions on the FC711 (mini pillar)?? The only thing i don't like is the sidecar mouthpeice. The FC1000 it just looks so large for vapor..

The Binary matrix video was uploaded. Still wondering when it will be for sale..
Hopefully soon! I just sent him this message, which I know many of you will appreciate:

Would it be possible to have this mouthpiece as an option?

Many FC forum members requested this as the preferred style.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
My first dhgate piece was the d20 I purchased from the sunshinestore. Over all the quality was great and price was too.

Who is putting out the best quality and best performing bubblers online? I've read rave reviews from many and while the appearance is very similar between blowers they apparently do not all function as well.


Well-Known Member
Replacement FC-1000 arrived yesterday, CCG Torus today.

FC-1000: Nearly flawless. Works exactly as intended, chugs nice, has a super satisfying clear. Clearing it is interesting, though. It takes more lung that you first think, because of the amount of vapor still before the perc to clear. It takes some getting used to, but is perfectly easy to clear once adjusted. The only imperfection is a minor dent in the rim of the base. Even though I'll be using it almost exclusively with my UD's, I still feel it would be best suited to combustion. I couldn't be more satisfied, though. This has become my DD paired with my UD cranked up a bit on the VVPS. Fat, milky, delicious clouds; one and done stems.

TL;DR: This is my new go-to piece for use with my logs.

CCG Torus: Looks stellar. Super clean thick glass, very sturdy. A couple of nagging issues, though. The water level is finicky. If you set it to be even with the support for the joint, you have to pull like a madman to get any recycling action. If you set it a little bit higher, at the 'waist' on the can, the water will practically touch the joint at rest. At this water level, you can get recycling action, but I still feel you have to pull too hard. When it does recycle, it does vortex down nicely and quickly, though. Even without much recycling action during the hit, it does hit rather nice. I'm unsure about this one, I may keep it, may sell it.

TL;DR: IDK about this one. Functions 6/10, but still hits nice.
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Well-Known Member
Any opions on the FC711 (mini pillar)?? The only thing i don't like is the sidecar mouthpeice. The FC1000 it just looks so large for vapor..

The Binary matrix video was uploaded. Still wondering when it will be for sale..
This actually really bums me out. I've been excited about the binary matrix since it was first released by Mobius, and waiting for the inevitable Chinese knockoff to come around, but I really wish they weren't knocking off the aesthetic of the piece too. Largely because, as much as I have been a Mobius fan for a while I really hate the overall look of the new line. But also because I feel like there's a difference between copying form and copying function. As soon as you start adding flairs to imitate Mobius' style it seems like much more of a straight knockoff to me. I want to be getting a piece that gives me the function of a Mobius design, but I don't necessarily want to buy a poor imitation of his aesthetic. I'd much prefer the perc in a simple straight can, without the additional flair around the top of the can and weird looking mouthpiece. Just my :2c:
This actually really bums me out. I've been excited about the binary matrix since it was first released by Mobius, and waiting for the inevitable Chinese knockoff to come around, but I really wish they weren't knocking off the aesthetic of the piece too. Largely because, as much as I have been a Mobius fan for a while I really hate the overall look of the new line. But also because I feel like there's a difference between copying form and copying function. As soon as you start adding flairs to imitate Mobius' style it seems like much more of a straight knockoff to me. I want to be getting a piece that gives me the function of a Mobius design, but I don't necessarily want to buy a poor imitation of his aesthetic. I'd much prefer the perc in a simple straight can, without the additional flair around the top of the can and weird looking mouthpiece. Just my :2c:
Scientific glass - function should come first! And it should look as generic as all get out.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
This actually really bums me out. I've been excited about the binary matrix since it was first released by Mobius, and waiting for the inevitable Chinese knockoff to come around, but I really wish they weren't knocking off the aesthetic of the piece too. Largely because, as much as I have been a Mobius fan for a while I really hate the overall look of the new line. But also because I feel like there's a difference between copying form and copying function. As soon as you start adding flairs to imitate Mobius' style it seems like much more of a straight knockoff to me. I want to be getting a piece that gives me the function of a Mobius design, but I don't necessarily want to buy a poor imitation of his aesthetic. I'd much prefer the perc in a simple straight can, without the additional flair around the top of the can and weird looking mouthpiece. Just my :2c:
I don't exactly dislike the new möbius aesthetics, I'm kinda neutral about it, but I agree I'd prefer it without the flair.

I hope steven doesn't attempt that sipper mouthpiece...
I'd personally rank it at 4th behind
Sidecar, or bubbler,
"Tube" style (straight, bent or angled)
Frederick McGuire,
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New Member
Just got my Straight Fab yesterday. Was super happy till I found a huge hole next to the weld of the perc. (See pic )
It makes it so the back 3-5 perc slits don't fire on a slow pull.
What makes it even worse is, I ordered a fc710 that shipped already. Idk what to do about this. What would you guys do?

Edit sorry fixed pic


Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Just got my Straight Fab yesterday. Was super happy till I found a huge hole next to the weld of the perc. (See pic )
It makes it so the back 3-5 perc slits don't fire on a slow pull.
What makes it even worse is, I ordered a fc710 that shipped already. Idk what to do about this. What would you guys do?

Edit sorry fixed pic

Message steven, and just be clear that the item is defective to the point that it is not usable.

I'd want a full refund, or replacement for an issue like that...


Well-Known Member
Woohoo! Tried out my D020 last night, mightily satisfied - ordered another to gift away.
Something around the same size, except with a detachable stem like the FC-UFO, would be PERFECT for me...
Any suggestion from the glass oracles? :love:


Well-Known Member
Anyone have problems with dhgate processing their credit card? I'm getting a message saying they can't verify and to please contact my bank or use another card. I know it's not an issue with my card.


Well-Known Member
Your bank probsbly dosnt release funds to international sellers like china. Mine didnt atleast since its a local credit union. I ended up using a friends BoA but you could try skrillex? Ratchett recomended it.
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