I am but IDK about buying that off of CL?
Grabbed an 1/8 of candy apple bho for $65 from him - different batch 4 hr purge, I'd have thought it was ice hash given the (relatively) crumbly consistency. I'm new to waxes and oils, but this tastes better than $20/g stonehenge from the local dispensary (the "cheap" stuff).
First 420 CG purchase, and though responses are never as prompt as I'd like, it was smooth as I could hope. He was just a kid maybe 18 and I'm 32... strangers making a trade on the tables outside In-n-out lol. Yeah it's weird but only because we don't get out enough imo. Almost nobody does.
Everyone is talking about shipping...
I suspect these waves will keep happening as new blood grabs the new glass in discussion, and then helplessly watches it sit for days in processing and sorting centers

If there's tracking at all.
edit: and by 'new blood,' I mean me.

Well it appears the single hc is out of stock. Just as I was going to pull the trigger. Anyone know if its listed anywhere else. I am terrible at searching for glass on aliexpress.
Do a separate search for each of these
keywords, and you'll get 10-30 listings you may actually click...
***glass bubbler, ash catcher, honeycomb glass, glass perc, downstem, oil rig, glass diffuser, titanium nail *edit - for lab glass: glass 14/23, glass 19/26
Fill in the quantity field "1-1" or "1-5" for each search!!!!
With these you'll eventually see everything in a few hours if you're slow like me, unless you want weird novelty metal pipes, grinders, and glass spoon pipes for days. There's maybe 200 listings that are mildly interesting overall imo, and the 20 or so that matter are scattered around the thread. Can't wait for new stuffs!
Also if you find that your cart has more than one thing from a seller, be sure to check out that seller's other stuff for... bargaining power? idk couldn't hurt.