I had to watch the vid twice (Before I posted it here) to figure out WTF was happening there
Look at the actual flow of the piece...
The whole thing is pointless except for the one Uptube that percs IMO...
You have an initial chamber - dry.
Then that kinda natural percs but not really up to another dry chamber.
From that dry chamber it flows down the downtube, and finally gets to that bottom section where it natural percs up that big long uptube, and flows down that internal drain back into the bottom natural perc chamber.
so what's the damn point?
Lots of dry chambers that serve no purpose, lots of dry surface area, relatively low water volume, and I'd guess by the design of it it'll have a strange drag to it, just because of how many twists and turns the vapor has to take...
And it'll be quite chuggy from that big natural perc...
Honestly, aside from the natural perc part, IMO it goes against just about all of the design intentions of the FC-710...
I mean if someone likes it then by all means purchase it...
If someone likes a bong then that bong is good for them - tautologies are fun
Its just that to me, looking at it, and knowing what's going on there, it just seems like a big waste of time, glass, and potential.
Redesign the thing so that each chamber is actuallyfunctional, and I think it could be a cool design...
I was just using my sublimator with the FC-1000.
To let the sub cool down I leave the atomizer in my rig, and the heater on its stand, otherwise they kinda fuse together when they cool down.
My New puppy comes bursting into my room and topples the FC-1000

I hear the sound of glass breaking *NOOOOOOO*
I look down and see it's just the sub-buddy, not the FC-1000 that broke.
I feel some relief that it was just the adapter, not the main piece...
Then I realized that the adapter costs the same as the FC-1000 and felt conflicted