Just wanted to say that Kathy sent me a new nail and was very nice about it in the end. Up to the standards we hold her to here. So please don't let my earlier review color your opinions. Everyone else likes her nails, and an off one gets through the QC of even the best vendors now and again. I assume my replacement will be of good quality.
@Cablue and
@howie105, I appreciate you weighing in, but my question was actually directed to the people on here who have a long history of doing business with Kathy, back in the day before she was the reliable vendor she is now...
I've got to respectfully disagree. Experience has given me quite a bit of respect for the abilities of many of the Chinese glassblowers we buy from on this thread and, while I don't expect American quality, I at least expect functionality. I don't know about you, but I've actually hit a GB-186 right next to a real Stereo Matrix and I can tell you the difference is minimal. Certainly not $350 worth of difference. Also, you can't compare anything to a "name brand" club banger, they're some of the most marked-up items in the glass game. People pay 5x the value for a basic piece of quartz just because it's made by the interns of someone that works for Mothership... Ridiculous. I've got to ask, if you don't recommend Chinese glass at all, as you say, why are you participating in this thread?