I know some people have stopped using their volcano so I hope this helps change your mind
The reason why I like the bag is because I fill it, I attach it, and then I can take it around the house with me or outside, etc.
I know some people think the bag is weird but you get used to it. I used turkey bags from wal mart. They are food grade and oven safe up to like 500 degrees so they should be good to store 370 degree vapor for 15 minutes while I puff away at it.
There is also zero drag with my method and the volcano bag. I can get the vortex action from a turbine perc like some of you are trying to get

see vid below. I know some portable vaporizers have a good amount of restriction (I own the solo so I am referring to that but I'm sure there are other options with more airflow) so that is why I like the bag. Feels like I am clearing my piece when I take a hit. It is like breathing normal lol.
I also like my volcano because I have owned it for about 6 years now and I have not had one problem with it. I have not replaced one part besides the bags and filter. I even left it on one night for 10 hours and it still runs like it is new.
Vortex from a double honeycomb to turbine. Looks better in person but you get the idea lol.
I forgot to include a link to the 90 degree adapter I have:
I know it is a little pricey but OGB makes a solid adapter. You can tell it is really high quality.
Some cheaper options I have seen on eBay. Unfortunately these weren't available when I bought the more expensive adapter :/
If using a female joint waterpipe:
If using a male joint rig:
And the exact tubing size I used is:
3/4 inch diameter including the tubing thickness
Tubing thickness 1/16 inch
If you have the solid valve volcano setup this should fit perfect around the metal part where the mouthpiece normally snaps on. Dont fill the bag up all the way. This allows you to push in the bag and hold your finger on the inside of the metal valve so when you place the tubing on it doesn't push in the metal valve. And after placing the tubing over this metal valve, if you push in the tubing it will push in the metal piece and it should pushed in until you pull it off. I hope that makes sense. Kinda hard to explain lol. Here are some pics to help.
First getting the piece on and using your finger to hold the inside of the metal valve:
Fitting over the metal piece but not pushed in:
Fitting over the metal piece and pushed in: