Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Well-Known Member
It's about 4 1/2" to the top of the can, the joint extends a couple more inches, with regular mouthpiece, its about 10" tall. I am using an adapter to support my Sublimator. The whip is connected where the mouthpiece would normally be.

Here's a pic next to the D020

Thanks. I meant the other end of the whip, I thought it might be some strange vapor contraption I didn't know about, lol. I think I'd probably end up whippin' it too.


Well-Known Member

Homeboy has t-minus 1 more day to send me a tracking number then I press the red button...

Check this:

Subject: Seller abuse

Me (Send a copy of reply from customer service to this address.)
To: Customer Service
Type: Products/Merchants
Submit Time: 2014-10-30 22:52:39
Hi! I ordered a glass product from a seller - arrived completely broken. As suggested I talked to the seller first, who requested I buy something more to help with shipping cost. That is not ethical. But I agreed. Then for the next shipment he provided an invalid tracking number and it never came of course. Finally he claims hes mailed it again, but I have no idea. I think hes selling broken stock and taking advantage of your system. What do you suggest I do? I think he wants to keep me waiting until there is less buyer protection possibly for both orders. Or its just coincidence, but many other people have had the same experience with him from the BBS that shared his link originally.

If I wait longer to see if he is honest, does my refund protection run out?
From: Customer Service 2014-10-31 20:19:58
Dear Snidley,

Thanks for contacting DHgate Customer Service. We're glad to assist you with your concern.

I completely understand that you are concerned with your order, let me help you. For this what I do suggest is to report this seller to our Safety Center since we do not tolerate this kind of behavior here in our site. You can send a report to and please do wait for a feedback from our safety center once you already made your report.

We appreciate your trust in, and we will do our best to give you the utmost service you deserve. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Rhinna Marie E.

Customer Service Center
Just got my 187 and wow. this is my third piece from dhgate, I have the double barrel recycler and honeycomb to turbine both from Kathy and now this. The 187 is the cleanest piece I've gotten from China. The perc is perfectly straight, and the mouthpiece is pretty damn close to it. May be off 1-2 degrees but I could just be stoned looking at it. Fires real clean with little to no drag. This thing was a steal.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
I have several pieces of American and European glass but after reading all your good reviews I bought a small bubblier to see for myself this Chinese glass. Will not lose much $ even if it gets broken. One of @yingmin5 pieces. Just wondering if it will arrive whole. Anyone have problems with broken glass that they ordered?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Sure, after 3 orders with SunShineStore on pieces discussed in this thread, I got a little cocky and bought an ash-catcher. Came broken (male side was snapped at neck) - the glass was paper thin.

Luckily it was only $22, and sunshinestore simply asked me to email them a picture of the damage. Within 24 hours they responded to proceed with filing a refund request. They refunded me the price plus the shipping price. I was very satisfied with the outcome because I certainly didn't want a replacement!


Log Hog
I picked up two 187's when they were on sale and an extra 186. My current 186, the can and the base are a bit off n a little crooked hopefully the new one is a little better. I ordered oct 24th and tgey just processed through customs in NYC. Hopefully they're here by next week sometime.
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I got my barrel2funnel from Steven today. is ok, without damage, but with unremovable black spots inside and outside the barrel, like the other guys here. he is funny curved. I think about the return&refund. send back costs about $ 10 from my country.
Well, there is no vortex in mine.



Well-Known Member
I would like to purchase one too.

Only used glass back in the combustion days but now with vaporizers, I have to try.

So looking for my first glass purchase. Would rather get it right first time, if that is even possible with china glass. Will give it a go though.

Would this still hold the flavour well

I agree With @VapeForTheTaste that mouth piece could easily be broken with me
IMO running a vape through water does unfortunately kill most of the flavor. It's still distinct enough that it tastes nice and you can tell when the bowl is nearly done, but the fine complexities are gone. It could just be me, I'm a cigarette smoker, so my taste buds might be a bit deadened. I'd like to hear others' input as well.
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IMO running a vape through water does unfortunately kill most of the flavor. It's still distinct enough that it tastes nice and you can tell when the bowl is nearly done, but the fine complexities are gone. It could just be me, I'm a cigarette smoker, so my taste buds might be a bit deadened. I'd like to hear others' input as well.

I am also a cigarette smoker with very bad taste *tend to over season my food with garlic and strong flavors just to taste lol* but I have to respectfully disagree completely, I would question the potency of your herbs; I used to have a Buddha paired with a bong exclusively for years before she retired, and I got clouds of flavor.

Same with the Evo, all in finding that sweet spot, & different material may need slight adjusting


Well-Known Member
I am also a cigarette smoker with very bad taste *tend to over season my food with garlic and strong flavors just to taste lol* but I have to respectfully disagree completely, I would question the potency of your herbs; I used to have a Buddha paired with a bong exclusively for years before she retired, and I got clouds of flavor.

Same with the Evo, all in finding that sweet spot, & different material may need slight adjusting
You know what, I completely forgot, I use an activated carbon spoof because I live in a condo, so I'm missing out on A LOT of flavor. Man, I need to buy a house.


You know what, I completely forgot, I use an activated carbon spoof because I live in a condo, so I'm missing out on A LOT of flavor. Man, I need to buy a house.

Theres your prob /: To add; I was using an american beaker at the time that had a straight down stem, no cuts, slits nothin, some claim its such a factor here so maybe find one similar?


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Well-Known Member
The Mobius is finally in San Francisco. I'm anticipating it'll get here by Tuesday or Wednesday. I really hope it's not damaged and pristine. I only know of one other person on this thread ordering the Mobius from luka and it looked like it was just fine.

I'm selling all of my roommate and I's PS3 shit since we use an HTPC now and all of that $$$ should be going towards an e-nano if I can't flip the Mobius for a nano instead. Otherwise if I can easily get an e-nano we might put that money towards a Wii-U or something lol.
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Well-Known Member
Is the Mobius the daddy when it comes to this?

Would this be ideal for keeping flavour for vaporizing?

Lastly where did you order from?

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