Sorry about that! Didn't realize you were looking for a double honeycomb bubbler.
I don't think I've ever seen a cheap double honeycomb that wasn't a bong but I'll keep my eye out for you
Also the chamber for a double honeycomb bubbler would have to be pretty tall to avoid sucking up water or it would need a nice splash guard right?
Are you looking for a bent neck bubbler with a female joint that has the most amount of diffusion? Is your goal to maximize diffusion? I think I have a few in mind if that's the style you want
Hmm. I was liking the male style joints on the first two bubblers I linked, and would want that if getting a bubbler.
On the bong I do like the female joint because it's wide and would just look comical with a conical opening. At least to me. And you are probably right about the splash guard. I wouldn't know.
I'm probably liking the style more than the function on the male vs. female joint thing. But show me what you had in mind for my needs please. Doesn't hurt to look it over and come to a conclusion on if I want it or not.
@thisperson My

if you are going to be using for dabs, I would recommend something with a smallish volume in the can. Maximum diffusion is good for smoke but the more diffusion, the more flavor you will lose with vapor/dabs. I prefer to have a constant hit rather than fill the can and clear it. Lastly I think that you may find ice to be unfavorable for dabs/vapor. The cooling causes more condensation of vapor on the inside of the piece. Resulting in your goodies being in the piece instead of your lungs. A better option for vapor conditioning I'd warm water. Rinse the piece in warm water then put warm water in the can. This provides a very well conditioned and flavorful hit.
I've never tried a bong with warm water but will definitely look it up. I hadn't considered the condensation but wouldn't mind paying some of it if it means in exchange I get an icy hit. Those are so smooth and are a whole 'nother smoking experience for me. Like breathing in concentrated cool morning mist. At least that's what I remember.
The only other one I liked that I found is like the bong Boogerman linked to me.
It's just a bit shorter but I'm thinking I might need a splash guard as he said. So for ten dollars more I get four more inches. Although I really wanted a small'ish piece.
What are my options in single honeycomb style with a wide bottom, anyone know? Going back to searching, although I don't recall finding very many.
My first option may be my best. I know that since it's so cheap I may as well buy them all to try but I don't have a lot of money and live on a fixed income, plus I'm very picky. Just have been since I was a kid and want my perfect piece.
So to recap, if any of you can help me...
I want a small'ish/medium'ish bubbler with a honey comb design and a wide base. I would prefer if the base were part of the water chamber and not just an exposed flat disk. If it has a second disk as a twister (as I've seen on some skinny ones) that is okay. I don't really care for it either way. I do prefer a female connection in 14 or 18 mm. I am willing to look at both style mouthpieces.
If you've seen something that fits my needs anywhere on the web for 40 dollars or less please let me know.
I think you guys have infected me with glass acquisition syndrome. I had not missed a glass water pipe until I began reading this thread.