Ok, so here is the $50 (on sale) High Five Apex Bubbler w/ stock slitted removable downstem at the max water height for a HARD open pull, which barely covers the top slit without getting a lil water in the mouth, tho not likely at all when actually using. It is also shorter than I prefer, too, so a little disappointed by it which was somewhat expected. 90° Curved ClaimSaver Glass Drop Down and OH-DR auto spinner banger:
With a little longer repurposed SAML 15-hole downstem. Note the (my) max water height, it's also a little longer and goes a little deeper into the hollow foot area, which I like... overall, I feel it's much better than the stock one in pretty much every way:
With the adjustable anodized aluminum Invincipole that I got on sale years ago for an emergency replacement/unbreakable travel option and never really used much. This is actually pretty awesome cuz you can send it all the way to the bottom and fully block the somewhat oversized (imo) bottom hole for maximum mini-hole diffusion, or raise as needed for more airflow.... really kinda cool! And checkout the bonus surprise, an easily attached whip! I wasn't so sure about the simple tube mouthpiece, but it works fine as is and this makes it even better for when I want it:
With the 3-hole Baio.t/Greek glass Saki Bottle downstem... this is the shortest but still has decent action surprisingly, the gg attachment is too small so you can't crank it on tight but it's still pretty well sealed regardless.... my least fav option out of the four I own that's still somewhat usable:
Baio.t/gg, stock, SAML and Invincipole stems for comparison:
Top view:
Probably similar to how it will be used more often than not:
I really love these rounded bottom bangers with 2 SiC 6mm pearls! They are super efficient and easy to use and clean once you learn the correct technique, and works wonderfully with my fumed GG auto spinner cap... LOVE IT! The Claimsaver dropdown is a very worthy stop-gap until I get a better real dropdown, as I have no desire to collect reclaim... the removable silicone bottom makes the whole thing much easier to clean tho, which is cool, cuz it gets very cloudy/coated quickly AND it also easily clears every can I own... so, I'm happy with it, and all the other crap I got at High Five!