Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
Ordered sapphire beads from eternal quartz on July 2nd and they finally arrived yesterday. Wish ruby ones were in stock.
I put one in the liger and so far, loving it. I notice even more flavor out of terpy stuff and everything vaporizes more efficiently. Before, I'd see some pooling at my usual 530 - 540F(PID) temps, but with one bead, there is little to no visible oil in the insert. Just brown-ish residue on the walls when you swab with a qtip.
Question for those who tried using the beads with a torch setup, can you heat up a quartz bucket with sapphire/ruby beads inside without them cracking?
On a side note,
I've had my new 11.4g(57 carat) 30mm sapphire insert for a month now, and I'm not noticing any difference from my old 14.2g(71 carat) one.
Happy to hear you're liking the spheres too.
Nice, I ordered 20 of the sapphire beads and is just waiting for USPS. Funny thing, I ordered on the 2nd too.
You can torch all sapphire or Ruby inserts or balls through sapphire. You cannot torch directly.
I torch the sapphire inserts, adapters and spheres all the time. Taste better than with coils. Never broke a sapphire using a quartz and torch.
These Ruby or sapphire are a must for dabbers who wants a way more full filled vape. I seldom ever take a rip without at least one Ruby inside.
Once I get my sapphires beads, I'm going to put about 12 of them inside a 36mm bucket.
Agreed, the spheres are standard dabtech for me now.
I've already posted these numbers, but I was @ 590* w/o spheres and am down to 530* with 2 ruby spheres.
PS [/WolfWhistle] 20 spheres?!? that sounds like it's going to be a sick sapphire knot!
Do you think you can fit in 19 spheres flat in a ~Metatron's cube pattern?
1 surrounded by 6 surrounded by 12?

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