I received both my Liger Bundles today and also have a small nipple on my 30mm Liger bucket bottom which causes the insert to not sit flush in the bucket. my current 30mm does not have a nipple protruding but instead, a dimple which seems correct.
The inside of the both new 20mm and 30mm bucket where the air intake screws in is scratched and chipped. THe exterior are shiny including the 30mm coil shroud. My first 30mm Liger was perfect minus the coil shroud being bronze and matted. It didnt match which is why i order a new 30mm just to have a shiny silver liger.
The inserts i received looks to be fine with a visual inspection. The 20mm sapphire insert is completely clear as i expected some frost to it. The 30mm Obisdian, #144 is smooth and polished. So far no complaints on the inserts.
I can live with the scratches on the inside of the buckets but the 30mm bucket with with the protruding nipple maybe a deal breaker as i dont want my inserts to teeter back and forth. Its bad enough the inserts wiggle inside the bucket. Now, add teetering to the wiggle and its gotta be a mess. I really dont want to try to dremel the nipple as it may leave nasty scratches that i will be able to see through the sapphire insert which i dont want cuz i got this one for looks.
CCA should have put a disclaimer saying these are factory seconds like how D-Nail is doing with their factory second halos on their site.
I am pretty sure i will keep the 20mm Liger as i can live with that but the 30mm is just upsetting. I guess its time to open a ticket and get the ball rolling. If the pics are not appearing, please let me know.
The pic above, you can see the nipple poking out of the 30mm Liger
Wow, did they fuck up machining that threaded hole in the bucket.Here is the dimple inside the new 20mm bucket which is the same as my old 30mm bucket.
Where I get one of these weirdeer titty caps please.
Attempting a little dremel tomorrow on the dimple in bucket on 30mm. It’s tiny but there and I’m sure heat would be more even once teetering is taking care of.
any cheaper carb caps out there? Thinking about the hurricane oem ti cap on ccs.
Yeah that dimple is massive
Pretty sure the nipple is where the cutting insert reaches it's stopping point on a lathe when machining it. The nipple is referred to as a "nib" and it is REALLY POOR QUALITY not to remove it. The fact that they seem to vary in size leads me to believe that it was indeed poor machining practices in being the result of it.
CCA should really chime in here to address this. I snagged my bundle because the offer was too good to pass up. Haven't received mine yet but I'm hoping it won't be a factory reject or anything which unfortunately seems to be what has been going on with the heavily discounted Liger bundles.
Wow, I don't know what's going on with those threaded inlet holes, but they look strait f'd. Almost like someone ruined them before you owned it and they got restocked and sent to you. They just look terible. Do the threads even function okay??I received both my Liger Bundles today and also have a small nipple on my 30mm Liger bucket bottom which causes the insert to not sit flush in the bucket. my current 30mm does not have a nipple protruding but instead, a dimple which seems correct.
The inside of the both new 20mm and 30mm bucket where the air intake screws in is scratched and chipped. THe exterior are shiny including the 30mm coil shroud. My first 30mm Liger was perfect minus the coil shroud being bronze and matted. It didnt match which is why i order a new 30mm just to have a shiny silver liger.
The inserts i received looks to be fine with a visual inspection. The 20mm sapphire insert is completely clear as i expected some frost to it. The 30mm Obisdian, #144 is smooth and polished. So far no complaints on the inserts.
I can live with the scratches on the inside of the buckets but the 30mm bucket with with the protruding nipple maybe a deal breaker as i dont want my inserts to teeter back and forth. Its bad enough the inserts wiggle inside the bucket. Now, add teetering to the wiggle and its gotta be a mess. I really dont want to try to dremel the nipple as it may leave nasty scratches that i will be able to see through the sapphire insert which i dont want cuz i got this one for looks.
CCA should have put a disclaimer saying these are factory seconds like how D-Nail is doing with their factory second halos on their site.
I am pretty sure i will keep the 20mm Liger as i can live with that but the 30mm is just upsetting. I guess its time to open a ticket and get the ball rolling. If the pics are not appearing, please let me know.
The pic above, you can see the nipple poking out of the 30mm Liger
Wow, did they fuck up machining that threaded hole in the bucket.
I have read all of the posts wrt to 'bundles' and feel fairly confident that others are right....this was a clearance of sub-quality parts.
Great price but a shame about the lack of transparency.
I have read all of the posts wrt to 'bundles' and feel fairly confident that others are right....this was a clearance of sub-quality parts.
Great price but a shame about the lack of transparency.
I'm probably just being a little too salty right now but they're running a giveaway on their Instagram right now for 3 bundles. Meanwhile the rest of us who paid for theirs get to sit in the dark until the customer service representative is back from vacation. Hell yeah!
Fortunately I'm waiting a month+ for my eNail regardless, making going through this hassle a lot less frustrating than it otherwise would be.
@invertedisdead The only place I found out about CCA710's business 'practices' was here. I can't see all too many people willing to sift through hundreds of pages of information to find what they're after though. When I looked I found people saying that their customer service is ass but the product is on point, and I was totally cool with working with that... but now this
Still though, their IG seems untainted by complaints etc. like this thread is. I wonder how many people won't even notice the issues with theirs. I might not have if I hadn't been following along on here.
Still though, their IG seems untainted by complaints etc. like this thread is. I wonder how many people won't even notice the issues with theirs. I might not have if I hadn't been following along on here.
Also, i have been using the wierdeer titty cap and Chadbro Terptrunk V2 a lot lately and the Wierdeer cap gives a lot more flavor and taste compared to terptrnk v2. I get more cloud/vape from the terp trunk v2 and 100% seal when capped but the carb hole is too small. I use the weirdeer cap on my first hit and switch to terptrunk to finish the dab off.
you should take that chadbro terp trunk to a local glass blower and have him modify that carb hole to be exactly how you want it.... and with that 100% seal, you'll have yourself the best 30mm carb cap.
I sent my email in and will just be waiting.
The 20mm does have a nipple and a dimple. Basically, they created the dimple but left a tiny nipple. This was discovered after using the 20mm when i looked into the sapphire insert and notice a ton of was splashed around the insert and below. With wax below the insert, I can see the nipple touching the insert and as you move the insert aroud with a qtip you can see the wax moving below it pivoting on the nipple.
So yes, my 20mm Liger that i received in my 20mm Bundle has a nipple protruding from the dimple.
As for the threading for the Air intake. It works rock solid only the 20mm. Screws on tight and holds tight. It holds and grips a lot better than my old 30mm liger which the threading is very limited. The 30mm Liger i didnt even try to use. But playing with the air intake and bucket, it screwed on really good but just looks horrible. But its the nipple that is killing these Ligers as that is a performance issue.
I just feel for all the new customers that dont know the nipple is a defect and is receiving a sub par Liger without knowing. Someone needs to buy CCA from Josh and run it right.
Also, i have been using the wierdeer titty cap and Chadbro Terptrunk V2 a lot lately and the Wierdeer cap gives a lot more flavor and taste compared to terptrnk v2. I get more cloud/vape from the terp trunk v2 and 100% seal when capped but the carb hole is too small. I use the weirdeer cap on my first hit and switch to terptrunk to finish the dab off.
When i got mine a few weeks back, Weirdeer said he has clear titty caps in stock and he ships in a week. Was pretty simple to order with paypal. Send him an email. @ wierdeer@gmail.com.
Would you mind posting a picture of the wierdeer cap?
did anyone else notice that in CCA's IG pics of the 30mm with the custom AH shroud, the "upper lip" seems to be upside down?
I always thought it was supposed to go in like this:
I actually havent taken a picture with either caps yet. Ill do that tonight.