How are people installing the app on android? I’m getting an error that it cannot parse when trying to install the apk using ES File Installer. What’s the trick??
The most common cause of that error when installing is not having permissions allowed for side loaded apps, like this one. Check that first, but it may not be that simple.
I've tried the app on 4 phones running 4 different versions of android.... S4 running custom 4.4, rooted, got the parsing error and I have custom firmware that's wide open on it, it could just be out of range of what they covered and that would be fair. A G4 running 5.0, encrypted, but permissions allowed and confirmed working, got the parsing error. Again, could be the very old android at work here. An S7 running stock 8.1 and it installed fine, but it won't find the Carta, more on that later. And last a S9 running 9.0 stock, again installed fine, but won't find the Carta.
Being in the electrical field and having access to a great low voltage department, sometimes gives me access to some interesting equipment. Most often I have no true use for it, but this time I did. I was able to bring home a scanner that just reads BT signals and their strengths. I know laptops sort of do as well, but this is for testing. Unfortunately I couldn't find any signal from the Carta. Maybe some of the first units got the beta chip that didn't support BT?
It may not matter, I need to file for RMS I think. My power button is so sticky that tonight while trying to turn it on, it stuck so much that I started a cycle unintentionally and couldn't turn it off because the button had stuck in. I dropped the batteries and all's well, but it took some massaging of the body to get the button to pop back out, but it just keeps getting worse (the sticking) and this is about my limit.
While I've not had the atty issues others have had, I have found the Ti bucket to work much better than the quartz like most. I was actually so happy with the results out of the box with the Ti that I didn't try the quartz until someone mentioned have success with hot loading it. I was underwhelmed and have back since to the Ti.
Very happy with the new Helix glass, love the pill top, it's nice and wide open. I really love the classic top, with the carb up top it's such a cool hit!
I found something funny on the site and maybe there's a simple explanation? It may be a simple as a bundle price?..... but if you look at the Carta's webpage, it also show's both Helix glass options, the Original Top for $125 and the Dome Top for $110. Then if you look at the same glass pieces from the home page, The Original top is named the same but $180 and the other is called the Pill Top (same as Dome) and is $150.
Those are some hefty savings if those are bundle discounts!
This thing really works when it works, I was so happy with a glass of wine chasing just the silliest of things around the web