Cant catch a buzz


Well-Known Member
You said another vaporizer is not an option but still:
Dynavap M (being the cheapest in the line up) is the solution. It is the closest to smoking you will get. And it's nearly indestructible, easy to carry around as well.
I'll be getting my hands on one asap. That will be the next one when feasible. I was approached by someone who offered to ship me one after seeing my post. If that doesn't work out, i'll start putting money aside for one, and all the fixin's lol :)

Everyone keeps saying how good they are. I ALMOST got one when i was looking for my vape, but was lead astray by comments saying its "crackhead-esque" so it made me more than a little wary. But, now i'm kicking myself in the bud lol


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
You said another vaporizer is not an option but still:
Dynavap M (being the cheapest in the line up) is the solution. It is the closest to smoking you will get. And it's nearly indestructible, easy to carry around as well.

Lot of helpful info here, but think @passenger got it right. A basic Dynavap M will provide the results your looking for, as it worked for a lot of smokers who were transitioning. However with asthma, a small water piece would be advisable.

The Arizer is a well made vape by a reputable company and many swear by them. My Air 2 just doesn't deliver the dense vapor I enjoy and hence been sitting in the closet untouched for nearly three years. Good luck on your smoke free journey!


Well-Known Member
Lot of helpful info here, but think @passenger got it right. A basic Dynavap M will provide the results your looking for, as it worked for a lot of smokers who were transitioning. However with asthma, a small water piece would be advisable.

The Arizer is a well made vape by a reputable company and many swear by them. My Air 2 just doesn't deliver the dense vapor I enjoy and hence been sitting in the closet untouched for nearly three years. Good luck on your smoke free journey!
Awesome! Well I'm glad to hear that if I do get one in the near future, it should work the way i anticipated the Air 2 would lol definitely too low powered and not dense enough vapour for my needs. Thanks for the input and extra info :)


Indie vaper
Hopefully you can borrow a dynavap m to try out first but I recommend not going all in on Dynavap until you try one as I find them to be similar to Arizer air for me as far as vape signature/effects. Solid vape that works great and many people swear by them as efficient hard hitters...and they are.

But again I find they get the job done but don't have that big 'pow' that some of my other vapes have... for me. Hopefully it will for you

Don't get me wrong, I have over 10 dynavps and use them at least 5 times a week but I feel something with a completely different vape signature and effects is worth exploring.

Everyone should try a dynavap if they can but I feel they are not always the best option, and since I find them similar to Arizer effects wise to an arizer I didn't mention them in favour of completely different type of vape.

Here's the thing for me. Arizer air, dynavap, lotus are 3 examples of highly effective highly rated vapes that for me are just good. They work but I don't use them regularly but enjoy them occasionally for the different buzz and ritual. Many Others find them awesome and use as daily drivers.

Whereas Vapman, sticky brick, vapour genie, rbt vapes etc I find harder hitting and gravitate to them, while others find these models rather underwhelming.

Different people seem to respond to different vapes

Sorry to rant. Interesting topic. I hope that helps, whatever it is I am actually saying, that is.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you can borrow a dynavap m to try out first but I recommend not going all in on Dynavap until you try one as I find them to be similar to Arizer air for me as far as vape signature/effects. Solid vape that works great and many people swear by them as efficient hard hitters...and they are.

But again I find they get the job done but don't have that big 'pow' that some of my other vapes have... for me. Hopefully it will for you

Don't get me wrong, I have over 10 dynavps and use them at least 5 times a week but I feel something with a completely different vape signature and effects is worth exploring.

Everyone should try a dynavap if they can but I feel they are not always the best option, and since I find them similar to Arizer effects wise to an arizer I didn't mention them in favour of completely different type of vape.

Here's the thing for me. Arizer air, dynavap, lotus are 3 examples of highly effective highly rated vapes that for me are just good. They work but I don't use them regularly but enjoy them occasionally for the different buzz and ritual. Many Others find them awesome and use as daily drivers.

Whereas Vapman, sticky brick, vapour genie, rbt vapes etc I find harder hitting and gravitate to them, while others find these models rather underwhelming.

Different people seem to respond to different vapes

Sorry to rant. Interesting topic. I hope that helps, whatever it is I am actually saying, that is.
LOL no worries! I get it. I dont know anyone who's into dry herb vaping so trying one out before hand isnt a possibility, for me anyway. For future referrence, are there any affordable or semi-affordable hard hitters out there? Or are they all expensive unless bought preowned?

I dont hate the way the Air 2 feels, it just doesnt get me high enough. The airflow felt great imo. I even didnt mind the sipping idea, if it worked on me lol

As bummed as I am that this vape isn't working right for me atm, it's a learning experience. It wont be my last time trying dry herb vaping by any means, its just not an affordable hobby to enter if you dont have a decent amount of money. Especially since it seems its easy, and common, to make mistakes while searching for devices that fit your needs and wants. Its just going to help me remember to do more research, to search out pros who've used MANY devices including the one(s) i'm looking into so that maybe they'll share their experiences with them.

I definitely appreciate any info i can get as its a totally new subject to me. Im used to nicotine vaping lol


Indie vaper
I hear you. I also had to purchase every vape I wanted to try.

My pick for the 3 best entry level vapes that cover the main vape types (very broadly) are-
Vapour genie- full convection

Vaponic- hybrid

Dynavap - full conduction

All are butane so you can tailor your session for low temp all the way up to combustion and have some of the ritual of smoking.


Well-Known Member
I hear you. I also had to purchase every vape I wanted to try.

My pick for the 3 best entry level vapes that cover the main vape types (very broadly) are-
Vapour genie- full convection

Vaponic- hybrid

Dynavap - full conduction

All are butane so you can tailor your session for low temp all the way up to combustion and have some of the ritual of smoking.
Sweet! Tyvm for the list. I'm going to youtube in a few and ill check em out :)

Which of those do you use(d) the most? Which style of vape do you feel works the best for someone who has a tolerance?

I'll be getting my hands on a DynaVap soon as a fellow FC member reached out to me and offered me one, as well as a few other things to help me on my way. Got to see some videos of it in action and it looks like it can rip pretty decent too! I'm excited to try it. I was told that an induction heater would bring its game up significantly, but thats just something else to look forward to for in the future lol I'm incredibly thankful to this individual (leaving nameless just in case) for helping me out! I was seripusly bummed and kinda felt crazy that i couldn't feel or get as high as most other people I've spoke to online. Thankfully (kinda? Lol) he also experienced this same thing when starting out so he could relate. That alone felt amazing lmao

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I suppose I might as well step out of the shadows as the mysterious benefactor lol I do appreciate your discretion but I was mostly kidding when I said don't tell anyone I'm a nice guy ;). the cannabis vaping community has been very welcoming to me so I'm simply paying forward the kindness I've been shown.

there's a reason the DynaVap thread is the longest thread on FC, its because its helped so many people, especially people transitioning to vaping. it was the first vape that showed me the possibility of change, lasting change. the thing can hit as hard or soft as you want and I do consider it a heavy hitter at a bargain of a price! can it hit???? fuck yeah it can hit!!!!


Well-Known Member
I suppose I might as well step out of the shadows as the mysterious benefactor lol I do appreciate your discretion but I was mostly kidding when I said don't tell anyone I'm a nice guy ;). the cannabis vaping community has been very welcoming to me so I'm simply paying forward the kindness I've been shown.

there's a reason the DynaVap thread is the longest thread on FC, its because its helped so many people, especially people transitioning to vaping. it was the first vape that showed me the possibility of change, lasting change. the thing can hit as hard or soft as you want and I do consider it a heavy hitter at a bargain of a price! can it hit???? fuck yeah it can hit!!!!
This is THE dude lol Thanks again! Super stoked after seeing ur vid lol I'm looking forward to tinkering with it. I love that aspect of it :):)

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
you'll get your feet wet with the torch and see how you feel about the high, for me it was a night a day difference from my crafty. if I never tried another vape I'm pretty sure I would have went back to smoking because it didn't work well for me despite all the vape critics on YouTube saying how awesome it was, made me feel like there was something wrong with me for not really feeling it. I was also a batch smoker (weed mixed with tobacco) so I thought that might be it so I would smoke a tobacco bowl after but that didn't help either, it just felt lacklustre and I didn't understand why at the time. this was all before I found the community so I was on my own and no mater how hard I tried I couldn't understand wtf was going on????? got the DynaVap on a whim, bought it used on Kijiji lol and I still remember that first session clear as day! I watched the YouTube videos so I knew how to use it and I wanted a big dense hit so I heated low on the cap to a mostly closed airport direct to lung hit........ tasted good, had a bit more throat feel than the crafty a lot quicker!?! ..... I'm thinking to myself did I heat to aggressive ? I finish the hit and blow a massive cloud... fuck did I combust?!? wait for the cool down click and check the load and its like golden to light tan?!? I'm like wtf but I guess I'll finish the bowl, torch low and get another hit. this time it looks like tasters choice instant coffee and I'm like fuck that was fast........ few minutes later I'm high?!? almost combustion level high because because the DynaVap oven is not much smaller than what I would smoke in a bong for a session. I was very pleased and had another and was finally way baked vaping!!!!! on less than what I used in the crafty???!!!!!??? wtf again ??? I was elated and angry at the same time lol


Well-Known Member
you'll get your feet wet with the torch and see how you feel about the high, for me it was a night a day difference from my crafty. if I never tried another vape I'm pretty sure I would have went back to smoking because it didn't work well for me despite all the vape critics on YouTube saying how awesome it was, made me feel like there was something wrong with me for not really feeling it. I was also a batch smoker (weed mixed with tobacco) so I thought that might be it so I would smoke a tobacco bowl after but that didn't help either, it just felt lacklustre and I didn't understand why at the time. this was all before I found the community so I was on my own and no mater how hard I tried I couldn't understand wtf was going on????? got the DynaVap on a whim, bought it used on Kijiji lol and I still remember that first session clear as day! I watched the YouTube videos so I knew how to use it and I wanted a big dense hit so I heated low on the cap to a mostly closed airport direct to lung hit........ tasted good, had a bit more throat feel than the crafty a lot quicker!?! ..... I'm thinking to myself did I heat to aggressive ? I finish the hit and blow a massive cloud... fuck did I combust?!? wait for the cool down click and check the load and its like golden to light tan?!? I'm like wtf but I guess I'll finish the bowl, torch low and get another hit. this time it looks like tasters choice instant coffee and I'm like fuck that was fast........ few minutes later I'm high?!? almost combustion level high because because the DynaVap oven is not much smaller than what I would smoke in a bong for a session. I was very pleased and had another and was finally way baked vaping!!!!! on less than what I used in the crafty???!!!!!??? wtf again ??? I was elated and angry at the same time lol
And THIS is what i was after with my Air 2! It was so sad when i felt nothing at all the first time. I feel a bit now, but its not anywhere near what i get when i have edibles or a bowl lol I'm looking forward to that experience, and I doubt it'll disappoint :)

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I really hope it works as good for you as it did for me, temp and vapour density as well as speed of session made all the difference for me to make the switch. tracking from the Herb Café is live, says a Tuesday delivery to me which is probably fair since it's a holiday weekend, not sure Canada Post is open easter Monday ?? if it is I should maybe have it then 🤞. I'll box it back up to you with the wpa, bong and other goodies, hopefully same day.

this is the bong I'm sending you, its a little small but should be ok 👌 if I remember correctly its a reverse shower head perc, fab egg style bubbler.



Indie vaper
Which of those do you use(d) the most? Which style of vape do you feel works the best for someone who has a tolerance?

I don't think there is a best vape. They all have a best use, whether it's for different effects or different purposes (stealth, big hitter, cold weather etc) and therefore I feel that a couple or a few different vapes in rotation is best for tolerance.

I swap between vapes which give different effects from the same gear and helps with tolerance, I think.

Out of those 3 I probably use the vapcap the most because of the ritual and convenience. It's my bath vape and my 'medical vape' as it settles my stomach and I can sleep so fairly regular usage.

The vapor genie was my first vape, maybe 10 years ago now, and has always been in rotation but not regular, however a few weeks back I paired it with a jayhook for the first time and it's now on high rotation as one of my heaviest hitters. It's winning the reach test over the nano, sticky brick and RBT vapes at the moment so hard to say what is used most. Ask me again in a few weeks, it'll probably be different (my incoming vapman, no doubt)

With your Air, have you tried it at the second highest setting (200c) instead of max temperature? Even though I prefer high temps, I find with my Air the second highest setting gives better effects than the highest.

Also, it takes almost 2 full 10 minute sessions to fully extract a stem so maybe, just maybe that could help with your catching a buzz issue? Or temp stepping?
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Well-Known Member
I really hope it works as good for you as it did for me, temp and vapour density as well as speed of session made all the difference for me to make the switch. tracking from the Herb Café is live, says a Tuesday delivery to me which is probably fair since it's a holiday weekend, not sure Canada Post is open easter Monday ?? if it is I should maybe have it then 🤞. I'll box it back up to you with the wpa, bong and other goodies, hopefully same day.

this is the bong I'm sending you, its a little small but should be ok 👌 if I remember correctly its a reverse shower head perc, fab egg style bubbler.

Dang, thats quick! They don't mess around at THC do they? Lol and that bubbler is better than the no bubbler i have lol since i keep reading everywhere that they help the scratchy throat feeling from temp and terps, so I'm definitely happy about it. My air 2 makes me choke like a little B lol I know i keep saying it, but thank you. I was raised to make damn sure that the person who offers a helping hand knows how much i appreciate it. Its built into me to thank a lot. Plus I'm Canadian lmao the words Sorry and Thank You are kinda ingrained in us a bit more i feel. Small differences, doesnt make anyone any less appreciative or anything lol that kinda went off topic a bit lol

I love the look of the egg. I never knew there were so many types of bubblers, bongs, etc. So many glass pieces out there. Im definitely stoked to feel the real effects of what a vaporizer can do. I still can't get over the fact that this means I'm not crazy lol that i really didnt feel anything. I started to really question if i even knew what getting high was anymore cuz i stopped smoking for a little over a week too lol mind f*** lol

I think youre right by the way. I dont think CP delivers on easter monday. But thats perfectly fine cuz i was expecting this whole thing to take a minimum of 2 weeks lol but that doesnt seem like it'll take quite that long since we both live in same province. I read on reddit the THC is amazing at speedy shipping and customer service. Seems they were right lol at least the speed part. Ive never bought from there personally, but seems i will in the future lmao
I don't think there is a best vape. They all have a best use, whether it's for different effects or different purposes (stealth, big hitter, cold weather etc) and therefore I feel that a couple or a few different vapes in rotation is best for tolerance.

I swap between vapes which give different effects from the same gear and helps with tolerance, I think.

Out of those 3 I probably use the vapcap the most because of the ritual and convenience. It's my bath vape and my 'medical vape' as it settles my stomach and I can sleep so fairly regular usage.

The vapor genie was my first vape, maybe 10 years ago now, and has always been in rotation but not regular, however a few weeks back I paired it with a jayhook for the first time and it's now on high rotation as one of my heaviest hitters. It's winning the reach test over the nano, sticky brick and RBT vapes at the moment so hard to say what is used most. Ask me again in a few weeks, it'll probably be different (my incoming vapman, no doubt)

With your Air, have you tried it at the second highest setting (200c) instead of max temperature? Even though I prefer high temps, I find with my Air the second highest setting gives better effects than the highest.

Also, it takes almost 2 full 10 minute sessions to fully extract a stem so maybe, just maybe that could help with your catching a buzz issue? Or temp stepping?
Sweet! Well, I'm stoked to try a DynaVap since everyone loves them so much. I just want to see what this clean high is like. Can i get couch locked like normal? I heard conflicting things about it lol but im excited for the new adventure :)

The last 2 days i've been starting on 200 for the first few puffs then ramping to 220 (max) for the rest of the session. Its weird, i did ntice a minor high compared to usual yesterday, so maybe I'll stick my stem out a bit longer as i now think i may be leaving a little unextracted grass in the stem. I'll play around with my Air 2 on @ 200 today to see what that does. When i first started i was going from 180-200-220 in a 12 minute session. I HATE how long it takes to extract with this thing! I feel like thats a huge part in my problem. Not enough gets extracted fast enough. Plus, it makes me cough a lot so a good chunk of time is spent with it making my herbs rather dark on the area of the grass thats closest to the metal in the oven. Thats especially on 220 lol i guess the same is true here as cooking, dont listen to the higher the heat the quicker you eat (toke in this case lol)

Just wanted to thank everyone for helping me through this process. As i dont know a single person who vapes or dabs or anything like that, i didnt know where to go to look for help. Reddit is nice for somethings but its so confusing for dry herb vaping lmao too many people throwing zippy one liners thinking their as cool as Aarnold in The Terminator lol Its been refreshing seeing people actually talking about vaping and helping eachother rather than snapping at eachother and making eachother feel dumb. This place feels special, and I'm glad i found it :)

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
herb cafe and vape north of two pretty good vape stores, fast shipping, good service, better prices if you shop around sometimes but vape north offers price matching if they carry something and you found a better price somewhere else but they are in BC so slower shipping. this time the herb cafe had the better deal and I knew they would be faster shipping and I do want you to have it asap, if you are doing a good deed you might as well go all in :lol:.

I appreciate you gratitude you've been most gracious both here and our private conversation but I'm serious thank me if the DynaVap works for you my friend! I'm just one human being doing a favour for another human being cause..... why not???:shrug: I'm in the position to help you and doing so makes me feel good so I assure you I have my own selfish motives:rofl:. world would be a better place if we all said why not? a little more often and helped someone for no real reason. and I've been low down, very low down so I know what its like and I couldn't have gotten through it without the help of others, so I honer their kindness by helping others when I'm in a position to do so, but make no mistake I'm not Mother Theresa:dog:.

vaping can be complicated ?? temp, extraction speed, vapour density, hit feel, desired effects, flavour and effects of terps??????? how important each is important to you vs what someone else thinks???? where to to begin? where will it take it take me? who to believe??? you made a good choice coming to FC its a great place to come to crowd source opinions and ideas, and its a great community. I wish you came here before you bought your vape but there is no use crying over spilled milk, so we'll get you set up.
I'm removing the CCD (a punched metal plate they call a screen lol) and replacing it with high quality SS mesh screen for better airflow and no bits escaping into the stem! I'm recommending torching low but for your first hit but not quite all the way to the bottom and certainly not my technique for the hottest hit, though I will share what it is. the DynaVap will have quite a kick compared to the air so I'm also recommending using the wpa and bong first to smooth things out a bit, it can have a kick like a mule!


Well-Known Member
I've talked to a couple other people now who've had similar experiences buying a lower powered portable thinking that thats all that was needed, only to find it doesnt work for us. Its funny, i made a search asking about this and didnt yield any real results. Not here though lol i found this place and posted on a whim hoping that someone knew what the problem was. I never wouldve guessed that my device just wasnt powerful enough for my needs. At least, it was without a wpa and bubbler. I couldn't ever get a big enough hit without immediately wanting to rip my own lungs out lol (dramatics lol)

Im so thankful knowing that no matter what, i wasn't the problem. At least not fully lol ofc my tolerance has a part to play. That even if this DynaVap doesnt work (which i figure it will. Especially with a bubbler. Should be able to get those nice bit hits i need) there are still options out there for when I've had a chance to save up again or finally get my ODSP approval. But im pretty sure the Dyna will do the trick :) been watching a TON of videos of them being used. From microdosing to bug milky bong hits, the sucker seems like it can do anything and everything vaping. Im impressed :) have a feeling I'll be even more impressed once I've had a chance to get the hang of it.

Im glad DynaVap has a YT channel. Helps a ton with how to use it, maintain it. Also tells you a little bit about what their addon stems can do. Have you tried one of those Smirell intercooler stems? That twisted metal spiral that goes into the center of the stem seems cool. Just curious if that works. Id hope so for the price lol theres just so many cool options to modify and make your dyna personalized to your liking. Ever since i started nic vaping, i wanted a billetbox or a boro so i could customize eeverything to MY liking. Nice to see the same personabiliy brought over here to the dry herb side.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
the mvs is simirell newest stem, but the new hotness seems to be the revolve stem from mad heaters, they are also working on a IH with temperature control!!!!!! and replaceable batteries!!!!!!!
Bad Dog,
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Butane powered
I've talked to a couple other people now who've had similar experiences buying a lower powered portable thinking that thats all that was needed, only to find it doesnt work for us. Its funny, i made a search asking about this and didnt yield any real results. Not here though lol i found this place and posted on a whim hoping that someone knew what the problem was. I never wouldve guessed that my device just wasnt powerful enough for my needs. At least, it was without a wpa and bubbler. I couldn't ever get a big enough hit without immediately wanting to rip my own lungs out lol (dramatics lol)

Im so thankful knowing that no matter what, i wasn't the problem. At least not fully lol ofc my tolerance has a part to play. That even if this DynaVap doesnt work (which i figure it will. Especially with a bubbler. Should be able to get those nice bit hits i need) there are still options out there for when I've had a chance to save up again or finally get my ODSP approval. But im pretty sure the Dyna will do the trick :) been watching a TON of videos of them being used. From microdosing to bug milky bong hits, the sucker seems like it can do anything and everything vaping. Im impressed :) have a feeling I'll be even more impressed once I've had a chance to get the hang of it.

Im glad DynaVap has a YT channel. Helps a ton with how to use it, maintain it. Also tells you a little bit about what their addon stems can do. Have you tried one of those Smirell intercooler stems? That twisted metal spiral that goes into the center of the stem seems cool. Just curious if that works. Id hope so for the price lol theres just so many cool options to modify and make your dyna personalized to your liking. Ever since i started nic vaping, i wanted a billetbox or a boro so i could customize eeverything to MY liking. Nice to see the same personabiliy brought over here to the dry herb side.
😱 Stay away from the Rabbit hole!!! :rofl:

Learn how to use the set-up @Bad Dog is sending you before exploring other Dyna stems/peripherals. There will be enough variations with the M + bubbler to keep you occupied for a while yet (where to heat on the cap, how best to pack the bowl, ideal airflow, using the bubbler dry or with water, etc)

The problem with the enthusiast space is we're more likely to be after the latest (and greatest) thing and will rave (and argue) about our new favourite devices and how it's better than everything that went before... Lol

[Off topic]
I'd also steer you away from getting a billet box/Boro bridge set-up unless you're an experienced coil builder - those decks are small and fiddly to build on. If you haven't tried one already, get yourself a simple dripper (RDA) to start with - one suitable for single coil, round wire, with adjustable airflow. ECF is a good place to get advice from for recommendations. Though, like here, it is an enthusiast space 😉

[On topic]
As with all new hobbies (and this is a hobby), use the K.I.S.S. method (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) and, if it comes with instructions, RTFM! 😁

Stay safe and fuck combustion 👍


Well-Known Member
😱 Stay away from the Rabbit hole!!! :rofl:

Learn how to use the set-up @Bad Dog is sending you before exploring other Dyna stems/peripherals. There will be enough variations with the M + bubbler to keep you occupied for a while yet (where to heat on the cap, how best to pack the bowl, ideal airflow, using the bubbler dry or with water, etc)

The problem with the enthusiast space is we're more likely to be after the latest (and greatest) thing and will rave (and argue) about our new favourite devices and how it's better than everything that went before... Lol

[Off topic]
I'd also steer you away from getting a billet box/Boro bridge set-up unless you're an experienced coil builder - those decks are small and fiddly to build on. If you haven't tried one already, get yourself a simple dripper (RDA) to start with - one suitable for single coil, round wire, with adjustable airflow. ECF is a good place to get advice from for recommendations. Though, like here, it is an enthusiast space 😉

[On topic]
As with all new hobbies (and this is a hobby), use the K.I.S.S. method (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) and, if it comes with instructions, RTFM! 😁

Stay safe and fuck combustion 👍
Oh for sure! It was more of a question for down the line lol all I'm concerned with right now will be learning how to use that little device :)

For your "off topic" portion, i already use rebuildables. I'm by no means in the market for one right now lol more than happy with my Juggerknot MR rta lol

I definitely noticed that this is a hobby much like nicotine vaping can easily become one. I love that part of the nic vaping. Its nice and relaxing sitting listening to music while rebuilding atomizers and trying new things. Looking forward to that portion bleeding over to the dry herb side, for me.

Thanks and pretty soon i feel i'll be totally agreeing with all of ya, fuck combustion! Lol


Less soul, more mind
you have to give up nic for enjoying vaporization cannabis, and trust me, it will be enjoyable AF!

Absolutely not necessary. At all. It's puzzling to see such a recommendation here, we should be a bit more careful when it comes to beginners seeking for advice. The way I see it it's absolutely ideal that OP has taken care of his nicotine needs in a safe way and thus can now take care of his THC needs in a similar safe way. But it's not necessary to cut down one to be able to do the other. Having to avoid nicotine in order to enjoy vaporizing would mean to keep on smoking for many, keep that in mind.

Edit: T-breaking seems to be a weird recommendation too. Vaporizing is supposed to be much more efficient than smoking, why would we have to lower our tolerance in order to get high with a vape?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not necessary. At all. It's puzzling to see such a recommendation here, we should be a bit more careful when it comes to beginners seeking for advice. The way I see it it's absolutely ideal that OP has taken care of his nicotine needs in a safe way and thus can now take care of his THC needs in a similar safe way. But it's not necessary to cut down one to be able to do the other. Having to avoid nicotine in order to enjoy vaporizing would mean to keep on smoking for many, keep that in mind.

Edit: T-breaking seems to be a weird recommendation too. Vaporizing is supposed to be much more efficient than smoking, why would we have to lower our tolerance in order to get high with a vape?
according to what he said "Ive figured out the inhale, i know the temps, but for some reason im just not catching a buzz from it."
I assume he watched videos too. by saying that. what can it be? my ex-gf gave me her Fury 20 minutes after receiving it, she was addicted to nic
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Well-Known Member
Absolutely not necessary. At all. It's puzzling to see such a recommendation here, we should be a bit more careful when it comes to beginners seeking for advice. The way I see it it's absolutely ideal that OP has taken care of his nicotine needs in a safe way and thus can now take care of his THC needs in a similar safe way. But it's not necessary to cut down one to be able to do the other. Having to avoid nicotine in order to enjoy vaporizing would mean to keep on smoking for many, keep that in mind.

Edit: T-breaking seems to be a weird recommendation too. Vaporizing is supposed to be much more efficient than smoking, why would we have to lower our tolerance in order to get high with a vape?
I figured that! I know a lot of people who smoke tobacco with weed. I did it for ages until i started vaping nicotine. Thank you for confirming this. I definitrly appreciate knowing that nicotine isnt somehow blocking my high.
according to what he said "Ive figured out the inhale, i know the temps, but for some reason im just not catching a buzz from it."
I assume he watched videos too. by saying that. what can it be? my ex-gf gave me her Fury 20 minutes after receiving it, she was addicted to nic
I definitely watched videos, just those said videos never mentioned that the device is meant for people with lower tolerances. I never felt i had a particularly large tolerance, but after vaping only for a week and a half, i was starting to feel a minor buzz. Not enough, hence why i caved and smoked weed yesterday. Hard to only vape if you dont catch the buzz youre looking for :(


Well-Known Member
I definitely watched videos, just those said videos never mentioned that the device is meant for people with lower tolerances. I never felt i had a particularly large tolerance, but after vaping only for a week and a half, i was starting to feel a minor buzz. Not enough, hence why i caved and smoked weed yesterday. Hard to only vape if you dont catch the buzz youre looking for :(
don't be sad, wooden stem with DV's Ti tip and cap is super cheap and hits very hard on the lowest part of the tip.... get it
super cheap like 40$ + 20$ + 60$ MAX for decent wooden stem with condenser
and stop nic if you can ;)

@Siebter who we know that is also addicted to nic in this forum? i think people who are addicted to nic, they get less psychadelic high. isn't it? i heard from a local legit guy.... that he knows people who quit and this was the situation and the feeling about this issue.....
i dunno any nic user in this forum so far
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Well-Known Member
don't be sad, wooden stem with DV's Ti tip and cap is super cheap and hits very hard on the lowest part of the tip.... get it
super cheap like 40$ + 20$ + 60$ MAX for decent wooden stem with condenser
and stop nic if you can ;)
Bad Dog is sending me a DynaVap M :) and a bubbler and such. This "cant get high" problem should be fixed soon enough. Thanks for putting that list together though, i definitely appreciate it :) later on, after i get the hang of everything and if it works like everyone figures it will, i may decide to get a specialized stem or intercooler or something. But for now, i just want to get high lol :) and will soon enough. I cheated an smoked a bowl yesterday. I just couldnt handle the lack of sleep, my knee pain and i was getting grouchy! Lmao poor Lanna (my gf)


Well-Known Member
Bad Dog is sending me a DynaVap M :) and a bubbler and such. This "cant get high" problem should be fixed soon enough. Thanks for putting that list together though, i definitely appreciate it :) later on, after i get the hang of everything and if it works like everyone figures it will, i may decide to get a specialized stem or intercooler or something. But for now, i just want to get high lol :) and will soon enough. I cheated an smoked a bowl yesterday. I just couldnt handle the lack of sleep, my knee pain and i was getting grouchy! Lmao poor Lanna (my gf)
if you still need to use the it on the highest temp and give the stem heat soak inside...Use full nugs maybe..... so it will be hotter... what's the max temp?

if nobody talked with you about heat soaking and using full nugs... try it... it may work but you need to stir the bowl from time to time... a bit... conduction vape tho....

So, sorry, maybe you are from the guys @Squidge mentioned and maybe from the people I know.
it's individual, I'll avoid this tip from stopping nic before try to enjoy weed
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